CH | 23

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The rest of the car ride remained pretty silent with both Jwalin and Pranavi in their worlds, yet weirdly it felt all too comfortable for both of them!

By the time the car halted at a restaurant, Pranavi instantly jumped out, and her mouth was wide agape after seeing the restaurant name 'Ziya'.

She gulped and stood rooted as if her feet were glued to the floor. Jwalin eyed her restlessness and came to her in quick strides.

Glancing at Pranavi with her hands clasped together, he stood beside her and asked firmly, "What's wrong?"

Hearing his calm voice, Pranavi squinted while licking her dry lips, "Uh, n...nothing."

Jwalin raised his brows in suspicion while his resolute gaze was focused on her as if he was undressing her soul through his eyes.

"Come." He stated and began walking in, but he couldn't see her presence beside him, and a frown settled on his handsome face.

Turning back, she was at the same place, and his forehead wrinkled while he raked his hair while exhaling a breath.

His glare turned sharp as if he was daring her to better behave and obey him, or else, there would be consequences!

Sensing the change in his temperament, Pranavi quickly followed and stopped near him while her lips were smacked, and she blinked her eyes.

Understanding that she had something to say, he asked with his head bent down to match her level, his tone calm and collected, unlike the usual darkness in it, "What?"

Biting her inner cheek while stroking the back of her neck in awkwardness, she averted her gaze from him and mumbled slowly, "I couldn't afford it here."

Her voice was so slow that she thought he didn't hear her but he heard it clearly.

Listening to her concern, his frown deepened, while his hands tucked in his pockets clenched, his lips pressed into a thin line, and he stared at her from top to bottom without speaking anything.

With the attention he was giving to her, she was becoming uncomfortable and squirmed in her place. When she was about to turn back, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him.

Startled, she remained dumbfounded, and he took her with him in his steady steps and reached their reserved booking.

Pranavi swallowed the words she had on the tip of her tongue and sighed brushing her cheeks to get the comfort she needed to brace herself from the bill.

Eyeing the luxurious room with a wooden floor, and walls decorated in golden hues with tinges of wooden brown, making it appear aesthetic.

The huge ceiling decorated with crystal chandeliers and the beautiful rooftop windows gave an enchanting view of the dark night, with bright stars dazzling in the peaceful sky making it appear marvelous.

Pranavi was in awe all the while observing her surroundings and Jwalin was silently glancing at her, taking in her every possible reaction that settled on her tiny face.

The way her lips curled into a genuine smile when the chilly breeze hit her when she let the windows open, the way her eyes crinkled gazing at those bright stars from her seat.

The way her tiny nose scrunched up when she shot herself with the wooden leg of the table, the way her forehead frowned when she saw the prices on the menu.

The way she fiddles with her hands while she's nervous to use the cutlery, and the way she palms her neck when she becomes awkward since she couldn't eat properly with them.

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