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After Jwalin and Pranavi came out of their high, she collapsed into his arms like a putty while clinging to his sweaty body as if it was her heaven and the corners of his lips were slightly arched, and his gaze turned warm as he threw a doting glare on her while patting her hair with rare tenderness.

"Tired?" He queried in his low magnetic voice when she hummed as she lay limp in his embrace. He pecked her temples and queried while pondering, "Should I cancel the meeting then?"

Hearing his question, she was taken aback and raised her eyes to meet him and licked her swollen lips before questioning him, "Isn't it important?"

Because she knew if it wasn't an essential meet, he wouldn't bother going out even on a normal day, let alone a Sunday because his schedule for a year was already packed with loads of work on his plate.

So, she didn't want to drag him down and cause trouble for him but he answered nonchalantly, "Well, it's not a typical business meeting, but all of my closest people would be there." With his hand supporting his chin, he mumbled, "You can say it as a private gathering."

Hearing his words, she nodded and instantly sat upright while a flash of surprise settled on his face as she muttered calmly, "Then let's go. I want to know what your world looks like."

As the words escaped her mouth, his gaze narrowed as he was quite surprised to hear them from Pranavi because he knew she had a social phobia and wouldn't like talking to new people.

So, when she raised the topic herself, for a second he was unsure of what was running in her mind, and he asked with a scrutinizing gaze, "What do you mean baby girl?"

Seeing his deep black pools focused on her while an unreadable expression plastered on his face, she tilted her head and answered softly while her hands were clasped together, "I mean I want you to let me in into your world."

Eyeing the confusion dancing on his face, she muttered while her voice quieted as she continued, "When I couldn't reach you the other day, I realized you and I were worlds apart."

Hearing her words, his ears perked up and his hands clenched into fists when he heard they were worlds apart as he was perplexed at what she was hinting.

Understanding the bothering emotions displaying on his face, she continued while her amber orbs stared at him and he felt his breath stolen away as he was lost in those mesmerizing pools, "Moreover, I don't know a single thing about you outside the house except for a fact that you're the CEO of the Oberoi Enterprises."

"I don't want it to be like that, Jwalin. I want to be a part of your daily life both in and out of our house." Pranavi said while her eyes cast downwards, afraid he would reject her or he would misunderstand her.

But to her surprise, he pulled her onto his lap swiftly and he lifted her chin with his thumb and index finger, his deep onyx eyes were piercing her when he mumbled, "Never say you and I are worlds apart. I know that you were hurt because of that day, but it was an exception on that day, and I didn't know it would turn out like that in the end."

"Moreover, to me, you are my wife. It didn't matter what kind of status and power I had in the outside world, but when it came to you, I'm your husband just like any other couple. Keep that fixed in your head." He added rather sternly as he was slightly upset with the way she said, but he grasped her emotion behind them. So, he decided to let it slide for now!

"And I didn't let the world know about you because I don't want to put you in danger as I hadn't made appropriate measures for your safety back then, because you already know what sort of position I had and how greedy people are to gain advantages." Jwalin continued when she bit her lower lip and gave a firm nod as she already understood all of that. So, she never blamed him for that.

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