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 As the four were busy in their talks, Yaksh made his way to them, and instantly, the atmosphere turned sour. The lively discussions ceased as if a pause button was pressed.

The entire hall was filled with nerve-racking tension since they both hate each other and that's known to all in the socialite circle.

As for what's the reason behind that, very few knew of it, but they didn't dare keep their head in Jwalin and Yaksh's business since they couldn't endure the consequences of offending any of them.

Meanwhile, Kuldeep, Ujjwal, and Rizwan couldn't tolerate the oppressive atmosphere between these two overbearing and domineering men, but they were on Jwalin's side.

As usual, Jwalin couldn't bother to open his mouth and sat lazily, ignoring Yaksh's presence. But that provoked Yaksh though they weren't on good terms. Yaksh thought Jwalin needed to give him some face outside.

But can he do anything to Jwalin Oberoi except angering him?

Although he knew he couldn't win against the crafty and sly Jwalin, he never admitted defeat over the years. Maybe, if he agreed, they wouldn't be at odds like now!

Jwalin glanced at him and was about to get away from him since if he opened his mouth now, it won't do any good to the two of them.

Moreover, they were in the gala, and if word went out, they would be the center of criticism again.

But, will Yaksh leave such an opportunity to humiliate Jwalin just like that?

"It seems there's no companion to you although you're married!" Yaksh ridiculed him openly, and the crowd choked on their drinks hearing it.

Jwalin's movements paused by listening to his words, but he didn't turn around as if he were waiting for him to finish what he wanted to say.

A sneer escaped Yaksh's lips, "hehe, no wonder. It remained the same over the years."

Jwalin clenched his fists while a frown settled on his forehead, his eyes slowly turning frightening. The deep black pools now appeared as if they were filled with the endless darkness of the abyss.

Sensing no movement from him, Yaksh continued, "I knew it. No woman wants such an unreasonable dickhead."

"Have you found your answer now? Or do you still need me to enlighten you?" Yaksh said while an arrogant smirk was settled on his handsome face.

Hearing it, Jwalin roared, "Enough, you bastard."

With a swift turn, he faced Yaksh. They were both outstanding in everything they did. Naturally, it attracted a lot of commotion.

Facing Yaksh, Jwalin's deep gaze penetrated into his soul, making him nervous. His jaw clenched, and once their eyes met, a chill ran through Yaksh's spine seeing the murderous intent in his eyes.

"Outsiders don't have a say in my affairs!" Jwalin enunciated each word with utmost determination that made the rest of the crowd shake in fear.

"Hmph. Are you becoming a coward now?" Yaksh didn't back off because he knew Jwalin well.

How couldn't he when they were once best buddies?

But Yaksh stealing Brinda, when Jwalin and Brinda were still in a relationship didn't settle well with Jwalin, and from then on, they become enemies who loathe each other!

Jwalin gazed at him with indifference, though his insides were boiling with the provocation.

But Yaksh was determined to enrage him, "I thought she didn't choose you."

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