CH | 105

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I couldn't sit idle without posting these two chapters.... Here's a double update.



Nishitha Oberoi was eagerly waiting at the airport with her eyes shining brightly, as she was eager to see her best friend.

She was constantly glancing at her watch and was tapping her feet impatiently as she knew the flight had already arrived, but the person she was looking forward to seeing wasn't coming out yet!

And she watched all the people walking out of the terminal, and dropped her head in disappointment while muttering under her breath, "She said she was coming back. Then why wasn't she here yet?"

"Did she miss her flight at the last moment?" Nishitha pondered while a pout settled on her lips and she opened her mobile to give a call.

However, in the same instant, she heard someone calling her name and raised her head, and she blinked her eyes for a second, and the radiant smile etched across her face while she yelled heartily, "Brinda!"

"Oh, Nishitha!" Brinda almost ran to her and took her in a tight hug catching her slightly off guard, but soon Nishitha wrapped her arms around Brinda and whined, "Didn't you know that I will be waiting for you?"

"I know, I know." Brinda cooed while she flipped her silky straight hair elegantly and held her ears with puppy eyes and muttered, "I'm so sorry that I'm late, Nishitha." With a huff, she continued, "I've met Nyra while coming out, and you know how it goes when I came face to face with her."

"Yeah, that bitch never learns her place!" Nishitha seethed while her face turned red in anger when Brinda tried to calm her down, "I taught her a lesson already. So, just relax!"

"You did?" Nishitha queried with raised brows as she didn't expect it to occur as soon as she landed in Mumbai.

Brinda gave a cheeky nod, "I couldn't possibly let our all-time enemy go away unscathed."

"Hehe, it seems you haven't changed one bit all these years," Nishitha exclaimed while she shook her head, and they ended up laughing while gazing at each other.

As soon as Brinda hopped into the car, Nishitha asked, slightly unsure, "Where are you going to live?"

"The same old house," Brinda said while shrugging her shoulders and Nishitha turned to her in a flash and she wondered if she might get whiplash, but thankfully she didn't.

However, the surprise in her eyes didn't vanish, and she questioned, "Wasn't that house under Jwalin brother's name? Then how can you...?"

Hearing her words, Brinda stiffened, but nonetheless stated calmly, "He sold it to someone else years ago, and I bought it back from them recently."

As Nishitha heard her, realization dawned on her and for a second she wanted to smack her lips so she wouldn't utter such nonsense again, but gave a slight smile and mumbled, "That's good then."

Brinda hummed in agreement and sat there silently while she took in the beauty of the city she had left almost seven years ago.

As the car went by, she noticed that a lot of things had changed, but she hoped Jwalin wouldn't and she was confident Jwalin would come back to her if he got to know what happened and why she left like that.

As soon as her thoughts lingered on Jwalin, she couldn't help but ask, "by the way, how's Jwalin doing?"

Hearing her, Nishitha snorted, "What about my brother? He's perfectly alright and he had no traces of missing you while you were like a lovesick fool still stuck upon him."

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