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Jwalin leaned onto the swirling chair with his legs crossed while his onyx pools were focused on the documents in his hands, and the glasses settled on the top of his nose adorned his already charming face.

The frown on his face was plastered as he flipped through the pages and occasionally signed on the document, while his sleeves were folded to his elbow, exposing his veiny arms, and his suit was resting on the sofa, and the bright sun rays falling on his face accentuated his handsomeness.

But his focus was torn down when Ashok hurriedly pushed his cabin door and entered while panting heavily as if he ran a marathon.

Jwalin raised his brows and glared at him sharply, and Ashok gulped in nervousness.

In the next second, he softly muttered while licking his lips, "I'm sorry, Mr. Oberoi. I was just too anxious to let you know the news."

Jwalin gave a curt nod and gazed at him while he dropped the files in his hand onto the desk, and folded his arms across his chest, giving his full focus to whatever Ashok wanted to say because he was certain Ashok wouldn't behave so hastily unless the matter needs his immediate attention.

"Mr. Oberoi, I just received a call from the special detective team about your mother," Ashok stated as calmly as he could although he was literally dancing in his heart. 

The excitement on his face couldn't be diminished because he knew how much time, effort, and resources Jwalin had been using the past ten years to find out about his mother, since Tanuja Oberoi vanished like thin air several years ago, and there was no news about her from then on.

Many officers said she might be dead, but he and Jathin strongly believed Tanuja was alive because they found a letter she wrote right before she disappeared.

Tanuja poured everything in there. It said, "She was in danger and was running away from someone powerful, and if she took them away with her, then their lives might also be in danger, and she didn't want it to happen as all she wanted was for them to live a long and happy life. And she even promised them that she would definitely come to meet them one day when everything was sorted."

However, a day before her disappearance, she handed Jwalin and Jathin to Tushar Oberoi, and they didn't understand what was going on as they thought it was a normal occurrence since they would always move to and fro between Oberoi Mansion and their small house, but soon realized they were wrong as they couldn't find their mother.

And they wanted to do anything and everything within their ability to help their mother when they read the letter for the first time after rummaging through their house, and their eyes turned moist while their tiny hands trembled as they collapsed when they understood that she left them behind.

But they were more mature and sensible than any other ordinary kids and they quickly discerned the seriousness of the situation.

Sadly, they were ten years old by then, and they couldn't do much for their mother although they wanted to help her. Still, they searched for her, but what could a mere ten-year-old boy do to help her when they were against a malicious beast in human flesh?

From then on, they never stayed in their house again and ended up permanently in Oberoi Mansion.

In fact, even though they were the heirs of the Oberoi's, they preferred to stay with their mother as that was the only comforting thing in their tough childhood because Ranveer Oberot, their grandfather didn't let them have a normal childhood, as he was hell-bent on making them the next rulers of the Oberoi's.

As a result, they were put in rigorous training when they just turned five, and only they knew how they survived everything. The list included almost every skill that existed on the planet ranging from psychology to handling guns.

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