July 27
"A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things." -Matthew 12:35A man can be considered good by the world base on the good fruits he bear... good works that is. But God sees the heart. It is what is in the heart that we can classify either good or bad a works is. Intention or motive needs to be considered not just the works. Good works or any other works are said to be good or bad depending on what is in the heart.
"...it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person." -Matthew 15:11Make sure to have placed good things in your heart to produce good works. The Scripture state that no one is good except God, therefore we can conclude that we can only do good things in this life unless God is in our hearts and apart from Him we can't do it, since His the only good.
The Good News is that, that is possible, only to the believers, to those who believe in Jesus Christ because the moment they believe and be born again the Spirit will live in them, the Spirit of God dwells in them... giving the Christian the power to be able to do the works, produces the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. That is why we are saved by grace, it is not by our own abilities and strength we can do good works.
So in our life today it is either you allow God to be in you or just be you, being you and relying not to God leads man to his destruction... because to those people whom God is not the center the devil is at work, satan being the chief commander of this world, the big influence of man.
Remember that the only good we can ever do is if God is in us, it is only thru Him that we can do such works...by His grace. If He is our portion, our treasure in this life we can confidently do His will and the works of faith He requires of us...because He is the driving force that will make us do the works He wants us to do.Let go and let God. And remember as Christian, there's a need of change to take place in our lives... letting go of our old ways and making new Christ-like ways in your life.
To God be the glory!
My Days with Christ Jesus
RandomA year spent with my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. #mydayswithChristJesus