Prologue- His Pain

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A little boy hopped inside the graveyard and walked to his mother's coffin.. he had brought a bouquet of Lillis along with him. He kneeled down and placed the lilies over his mother's crate and folded his hands to pray for her soul. His eyes were reddish swollen and puffy due to crying for hours together. His pain of losing his mom at a very tender age had shattered him and snatched his innocence. He grew up in one single day after witnessing the brutal assassination of his mom.

He opened his eyes and memorized her killers in his own mind to take slow and painful revenge. His eyes which were earnest and virtuous few days ago were now stony...emotionless and darkened with hatred. He was driven by only one thing and that was revenge. He brushed his fingers on his mother's name board which read," Martha Mehra'. His tears fell on her grave which got absorbed inside the mud. He stood up on his feet determined and transformed into a complete heartless son of his mother who aspired to take revenge from every single person who was responsible for his agony and pain.

A man in his late 30s walked to the boy and intertwined his fingers with his and instructed," Arjun....we need to board the flight before they find us. If you want revenge than you should be under cover until you mature into the heartless beast you have to be on this path. A beast who understands no emotion except hatred....A beast who cares for no one but himself. Such a living legend whom people will fear more than death."

Arjun took a last glance at his mom and whispered," Bye Mom, I promise I will make them face the hell on the earth. They will beg for death to escape the worst than death life which I will give them.." a lone tear rolled down his cheek," I love you so much mom."

The man squeezed his hand hard and spoke in a impassive cold tone," Arjun, tears will only make you weak from tomorrow if I see even a drop of tear in your eyes. I will chain you and beat you to pulp."

Arjun tilted his neck to look at his mentor and spoke in a equally icy cold and impassionate tone," Mark, your threats don't work on me. I have gone beyond everything now and you only say fear no one then why do you always do the mistake of thinking that you might scare me?!".

Mark patted his back appreciating him and led him outside that place where the little boy left his soul and the body that walked out was a living dead.

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