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Chapter 11 *

Harry and Louis were both still exhausted from the night before. Thankfully he was off so they could enjoy the day together.

"We never finished talking about Christmas at your mums" Harry says. The two were in each other's arms Louis head resting against Harrys chest.

"Well I would rather not bring the children because I have family members with drinking problems and I'd rather them not experience that" he says with a hum.

"Then we can have two Christmas's one with your mother and one here. My parents usually don't come down so we send their gifts in the mail" Harry kisses Louis forehead.

Harry rarely spoke of his parents he knows they're old and more on the homebody side.

He's met them but it was a short encounter, Harry had to bring some paperwork to his dad and Louis barely exchanged words with either of them.

"Speaking of gifts what would you like for Christmas?" Louis sits up. "I am so glad you asked.

I've been thinking and I'd rather you just get me a Christmas gift instead of a birthday gift" Louis gets off the bed and pulls open one of his expensive bags where he hid the paper.

"Well I had already picked a gift for your birthday." Harry says sitting up. "Well return it because this one is quite expensive." Louis says holding his hand out for Harry to grab and pull him onto the tall mattress.

"I'll exchange it for a step stool" he jokes. "Honestly I would appreciate it. It's sometimes awfully hard getting into our bed"

"But" He says unfolding the paper. "I've decided on the car I wanted."

Louis had begged and pleaded for a car so he wouldn't have to drive one of Harrys and search for his car keys.

"That's the same as mine" he scoffs. "Incorrect it is not the same as yours mine is a sports edition with a "drop top" so technically not the same."

Harry shrugs. "Touché."

"So when people ask what car do I drive I can say oh I drive an S-Class Maybach Mercedes" he dramatically places a hand to his chest.

"And then what happens?" Harry laughs pulling his phone from the charger to look up the nearest car dealer.

"And then they'll bow down to me and I'll have world domination" Louis says flopping back on the duvet. Harry chuckles with a shake of the head.

"I'm afraid it's gone to your head" he says brushing Louis messy fringe from his forehead.



Louis just got out of the shower we had only made an attempt to answer the door when our food came.

Quiet lazy to order Olive garden for delivery but it was our "relaxation day" or at least mine, every day is Louis relaxation day he just prefers to spend them with me.

"Feel" He stables himself on my nightstand shelf and lifts his leg over my lap.

"Wow very nice" I say with a chuckle rubbing his leg which was free from growing hair. "You should let me do yours" He says plucking a leg hair.

"Ow" I rub the tingly spot. "Help me check my emails" I say unplugging my laptop from the shelf.

He jumps into the bed. "I really need to get you a step stool" I say and he pulls my arm around him.

"Is it strictly business" he asks and I put on my glasses. "Yeah mostly about the restaurants"

"And when do you wear glasses?" He asks leaning his cheek on my shoulder. "Since I couldn't read small text" I respond.

"That explains why you have large text on your phone. At least you don't have cataracts."

Typical Louis. Always remembering to be aware of how luckily we are to not have any health or mental issues.

Louis soon grows bored as I predicted and lays on his stomach to play games on his phone.

"I don't know if it's my strong prescription but your arse looks amazing." I say my hand coming down on his left cheek.

"Trust me I don't think it's your prescription." He smirks.

"Oh a bit of a narcissist aren't we?"

"No I think I have a praise kink" he replies with a smirk. "Well I'll have to remember that"

I continue reading through emails noticing the subject on one of them

Harry Styles Restaurant in Manchester receives a C- on sanitation rating. Chefs and waiters rude to customers. Where's the manager? Where are the standards?

"What the hell?" I say infuriated as I close the laptop.

"Louis baby get dressed I have to drive to Manchester to fire some employees." I stand from the bed taking off my glasses and putting on some boxers.

"Wait why're you firing people?"

"They're not doing their job correctly." I say buttoning up a shirt and putting on some sunglasses my keys in hand.

"Ooh are we going undercover?" He asks rushing to the closet. He puts on a black dress with black boots and black sunglasses.

"Wear this" He says placing a black beret on my head. "We honestly do look like undercover" I say smiling at Louis who pretends his hand is a gun.

"I want to drive" he says taking the keys and dashing down the stairs.

I shake my head and go down as well.

We catch the elevator and go to the parking lot. "Put it in reverse" I joke.

"I know that, save the instructions for your children" Louis says speeding down the parking lot.

"I swear if you tear up my engine you won't get a car Louis."


"Oh Mr. Styles pleasure seeing you here" a waitress says looking down at what I think is a seating plan.

"We're not eating so save the trouble" Harry says tapping his hand against the wooden podium.

Harry holds my hand and we go into the restaurant and through a brown door to the back. "So why the hell am I getting bad reviews about my restaurant!?" Harry yells when he saw the cooks talking and a bunch of customers without plates.

"Yeah why a-" I say and Harry shushes me. "Louis can you sit. I think I can handle this" he says and I feel a little childish.

"No one has anything to say huh?"

"You better start talking." Harry said and everyone stutters something out.

"Since everyone just sits around you can go home I've worked way too fucking hard for my businesses for you lazy ungrateful and ignorant people to ruin it all. You're all fired!"

The room is completely quiet the tension heavy.

"Get out everyone I'm closing this down until I find people who respect my things to work for me." Harry said and people left the restaurant leaving only us two.

"That was so hot" I say standing from the booth and harry kisses me.

Upon leaving Harry apologized to those in the restaurant and offers to pay their bills and a lunch at another location.

Harry and I wait for everyone to leave before locking the restaurant doors.

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