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Chapter 21 *
🍒 Part Two

*Im changing Louis major to Fashion PR (someone who finalizes runway looks and ambassadors brands)

When Louis arrives at his mums house he's still in full tears. "Louis?" His Mother says opening the front door her son just hugs her and holds on for dear life.

"Hey hey talk to me" Johannah says rubbing Louis back which was heaving. "Harry h-he cheated on me" He sobs.

"Louis?" Lottie says coming into the foyer. "Can you make tea and bring him a change of clothes?" She asks Lottie nods and leave the room going to the kitchen.

Johannah bring Louis to the living room and ushers him to sit. "You're going to be sick honey" she says pulling several tissues from the box.

Louis couldn't contain himself no matter how hard he tried. "I'm sorry" Louis says rubbing his eyes. "It's okay. Crying is a form of purging. You needed this" She reassures moving Louis hair from his eyes.

Louis face was puffy his eyes swelled and he couldn't hardly catch his breath. "Take your time" Johannah says taking the clothes and teacup from Lottie.

Eventually Louis calmed down he wanted to sink further into the couch and love forever. "Now tell me what happened." She says holding Louis hand.

He sniffles "Harry cheated on me. I saw him in bed....w-with someone else" he says quickly. "I was going to finally...."

His mother knew everything about him but he wanted to be modest around her. Johannah knew because he was still in his lingerie the only covering he had was the oversized sweater.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Louis" she says pulling him into her embrace. "I just want to go to bed" Louis says sadly.

"I don't want to think about it" he says pressing his cheek into his mother's shoulder. "Thats alright. You can change and go to bed if you'd like"

Louis nodded standing from the couch And going to the bathroom to change.

He room in his appearance he could hardly open his eyes from how swollen they had become. He took off the white lingerie opting to just go to bed without underwear and threw them in the garbage.

"Thank you mum" he says hugging her. "You're always welcome Louis. And you're welcome here... you may be an adult now but you're still my son."


"Knock knock" Lottie says opening the bedroom door it was midnight but she knew her brother was still awake.

"Hey lottie" Louis mumbles. She sits on the empty side of the bed. "I brought you your favorite" she says with a shrug.

It was a plate of eggo waffles. Louis chuckles taking the plate. "Do you remember when we would put blueberries in the holes." Lottie says.

"And mum would freak out saying she had" "The heebie jeebies" they say and Louis smiles. "I remember" he hums.

"Louis I want you to know that no matter what happens between you and Harry you are stronger than it." Lottie reassures.

"Your probably one of the strongest people emotional and mental wise....physical not so much" she says and Louis nudges her.

"But I mean that seriously. You're a role model for me and our sisters. Don't let one man change that either. If it works out then it works out but if not better things are coming for you"

That night Lottie and Louis discuss the situation about harry. Lottie was great at listening and making Louis smile.

She ends up staying in Louis room and the two fall asleep like they did when they were younger.


Harry doesn't know what to think it was like the world was crashing down before him.

He hadn't thought about Louis finding out. He wasn't even thinking straight when he was having sex with Sylem.

He hadn't even thought that he may have lost the one person who loved him for himself.

The one person who loved his children and treated them like his own.

The one who listened to his awful jokes and laughed at them

The one person who made him forget about how rough his day at work was or how stressful his meeting was.

Or the one who stayed up late to help him on his papers or keep him awake to finish the "last" episode.

It's pathetic that it took loosing louis to realize how much he had put on the line for sex.

He was a jerk for talking down to Louis

He was a jerk for arguing, belittling him, and telling him that his education didn't matter

He was a jerk for lying to him

He was a jerk for not respecting him and making him comfortable with loosing his virginity to him.

Harry had to get some help with his control issues and what could easily develop into a serious problem.


AN- I'm ignoring Harrys point of view simply because I don't know how to portray his side without ruining the plans I have for the book.

Also I don't want you to hate harry because like I mentioned he's working on getting help

Also does anyone have sad song recommendations I'm in a sad mood 😂

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