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Chapter 60

Louis has woken up early he'd fallen asleep around midnight but woke up easily at 4am.

"Is it the babies?" Harry turns to face Louis he must've felt him wake. "I guess it's the baby"

Louis yawns sifting so he's sitting crisscrossed. "You're so small. Why're you so small?" Harry asks the rhetorical question.

"Um do a DNA square and tell me." Louis jokes. "Haha very funny"

"My spine is this close to breaking that's the downside to being short and pregnant" Louis sighs making a pitiful attempt to pop his back.

"Go to the spa. I need a facial anyways" Harry yawns. "There's a rumor that you use sheep placenta because you still look so young."

"Who harvests sheep placenta? What kind of job is that?"

Louis shrugs standing from the bed. "Well I'm getting in the shower my appointment is at 8"

"Noted" Harry mutters as Louis closes the bathroom door.

Usually he'd tag along in the shower but he's still making reservations at the spa. And looking up sheep placenta.

Louis takes his shower his husband finding him some comfortable clothes while he's showering.

"Ah your glowing" Harry says when Louis opens the bathroom door. It was really perspiration from the steamy bathroom

"Thank You you're too kind"


Harry notices Louis grabbing the last few things he need for the doctors appoint so he stands in the doorway knowing he was going to wake up Arlo.

"Excuse me" Louis politely says attempting to squeeze past Harrys figure in the door frame. "Where're you going?" Harry says blocking Louis smaller figure.

"To get Arlo she's coming to the appointment with us" he sighs already exhausted from simply being pregnant.

"Why, Darcy and Oliver can watch her" Harry says stepping in his way once more. "Alright Harry Excuse me please" he says once more to no prevail.

"Harry" he chuckles lazily as his brow furrow.

"Alright I'll leave you alone love I'm just picking with you" he says his arms coming around Louis waist.

"Why you know every little thing makes me want to cry?" Louis says playing with the hem of Harry's shirt.

"Like last night after dinner I forgot to put detergent in the dishwasher, so they were only rinsed"

"Then I had to restart it because they weren't clean" he shrugs Harry shushes him. "It's fine no need to get worked up" he kisses his forehead.

"Today we can figure out the gender if you'd like too" Louis hums. "That's up to you maybe we can have 50/50 one boy one girl"

Louis lifts his head from Harrys chest. "You are certain we're having twins but I just think I'm gaining extra weight" Louis shrugs.

"Let's make a wager since I have done some DNA theories I want a nice dinner if I win"

"A nice pescatarian dinner" he adds. "And if we don't then I want a new car" Louis decides.

"A new car I just got you that one like seven years ago. And I chose dinner and you pick car" he chuckles.

"You have five cars" Louis argues. "I have three Darcy and Oliver drive the Porsche and Rover and when Arlo is 16 she'll take one"

Louis rolls his eyes "Alright maybe not a brand new car. But I want my car upgraded at least I mean I you said yourself it's 7 years old.....to be fair"

"Let's shake" Louis happily holds out his hand he's for sure he only having one child.


"Its heated this time so no cold jelly" the nurse chuckles. "How many children do you have Louis?" She moves the wand around his stomach.

"Three, biologically I have a daughter. And step-twins"

"One more is the goal"  he says watching the fuzzy screen. "And Dad hows your sleep schedule have you experienced any pregnancy symptoms from mum"

Harry laughs "no just gained weight here and there" he shrugs. "Well I can tell you both that you'd better buy a second car seat. Twins"

Harry stands front the chair his arms raised in the air. "Yes I knew it!" he says

Louis even though he lost a bet and was prepared for one he was really excited for two

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Louis even though he lost a bet and was prepared for one he was really excited for two.

"You know Nurse Amber I did a punnet square and I knew we would have twins but I wanted to make sure" he shrugs.

"DNA doesn't lie" she notes. "Did you want to know the gender?"

"No I think I want to wait do you want to wait?" Louis asks his still excited about the idea of having 50/50.

"I'm fine with waiting. We can have a reveal party or something" Harry says and the doctor withholds the information wiping the gel off Louis.

"My second trimester I'll want to know okay" "sure that's no problem"

Once the couple leave the doctors office Louis asks. "What type of fish do you want?"

"Oh yeah I won the bet." He says happily. "And you loooost" he whispers in Louis ear. Louis shudders before pushing him away.

"I'll take Bluefin tuna medium seer low char" he kisses Louis temple unlocking the car.

Even though Louis lost Harry still planned to upgrade Louis car seeing as three back seats would soon become a problem.

"Have you told Jay?" Harry asks pulling out of the parking lot. "No I'll tell her soon my bump is starting to become noticeable"

"And I'm running out of sleep shirts because you are like a sneaky rat you take all my shirts and hide them from me"

"I am not a rat how could you say that about your pregnant spouse" he hawks.

"Maybe a fox or something" Louis chuckles. "Or a weasel, ferret maybe?" He shrugs glancing at Louis face.

"You kinda resembl-" He says before Louis nudges him. "Stop picking on me...you look like a frog"

"So a frog and a hedgehog managed to make three children" Harry mumbles. "And a frog and a cockroach made two more...luckily they took after the frog"

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