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Chapter 81
Halloween Night
AN - Louis is fully closed suit with another tan one under. Rather than being transparent

"Iʼm chicken nugget!" Arlo says to Louis who starts laughing. "Whereʼs the chicken part" Louis says tickling her stomach.

"Daddy needs help" she shrugs. The thin oversized tan leggings on her were in fact Louis for his costume. Which explains why they were bunched up around her ankles

"No I donʼt know" Harry says leaving her bedroom. "Sheʼs supposed to be a cupcake Harry" Louis stifles his laugh.

"These were in the costume bag" harry scoffs and Louis puts Arlo onto the floor. "These are her tights" Louis hands him the pink tights.

The doorbell downstairs rings. Louis knows itʼs Jay and he goes to answer it. "Mum!"

"Hi darling" she says embracing him.

"Whereʼs the little cupcake?" She asks and Louis closes the front door.

"Harry is still trying to figure her costume out. Would you like a cuppa?"

"Sure" she says sitting at the bar. "I saw Lottie was home for the holiday." Louis says pressing the button on the drink machine.

"Yeah sheʼs home at Charlieʼs. Heʼs starting to be a real pain in the bullocks about her." Jay scoffs. "Did you know he told her she should gain weight?"

Louis furrows his brows setting the hot tea mug in front of her. "What for?"

"I think heʼs got a fetish or maybe he doesnʼt want other men looking at her" Jay says closing the Vogue magazine.

"Charlieʼs always been a bit insecure in my opinion" Louis hums leaning against the countertop in front of his mum.

"Small mans syndrome I think"

Jay mutter blowing on the hot liquid. "Gigi!" Arlo says having her costume on the correct way.

"Hi cupcake" Jay says kissing her cheek then welcoming Harry. "Howʼre you" He asks going onto the other side of the bar where Louis stood.

"Good. Canʼt complain figured Iʼd spend time with my youngests today"

"Whereʼre Darcy and Oliver?" Jay asks noticing their absence.

"Upstairs theyʼre going to a schoolmates party" Harry mutters.

"And Anne got my littlest babies how dare she?" Jay jokes. "Sheʼs always saying the same thing about you Jay. She says dad needs to see them while theyʼre still young"

"Fair enough I bet itʼs hard living that far. Even further when you were at the hotel"

"Five kids in that pent house? There was hardly room for Harry and I"


"What the hell are you?" Harry says when Oliver fixes his shirt in the mirror on the wall. "Heʼs an e boy mr.styles" Rudy says rolling Oliverʼs sleeve.

He was dressed in a similar fashion. "Yeah Elton John" he scoffs.

"Itʼs Harry Rudy and this was handmade. Hand jeweled okay e- boy" Harry says his tracksuit was glinting under the living room chandelier.

"Whereʼs Darcy and Louis?"

Harry asks it was already 8 and Harry had to take all the kids to the party because he didnʼt trust them driving past curfew.

"Mums trying to get his wings in the boot and Darcyʼs somewhere" he shrugs. "Here I am." Darcy says coming down the staircase.

"Dad Iʼm a frat boy" she says when Harrys brows furrow. "Ohhh okay. Is marina also a frat boy" Harry asks unsure if theyʼd decided to match.

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