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Chapter 31*
Months Later

Today was our one year anniversary of course the one thing we had planned thoroughly was of course sex specifically Mr.Styles sex.

Nothing could go wrong but of course somehow it did. Caras fucking condo caught on fire. Luckily it didn't spread far enough to the rest of the building.

"Are you okay?" Harry says kneeling to Darcy and Oliver's level. "We're fine dad" Oliver says.

"We weren't even here when it happened" Darcy reassures. "Where's your mother?" He asks and Oliver motions towards an officer.

"Hi mum!" Oliver and Darcy waves from the sidewalk. "Shh guys" I whisper not sure how Cara would take her children calling me mother.

"Why?" Darcy asks her green eyes show sadness. "Because your mother is here" I try to explain without coming off too harsh.

"She doesn't care" Oliver negotiates. "Still you can call me that when it's just us okay?"

"I'm just glad you two are safe" I reassure. Harry returns and I pull him aside. "Did they find what it was?"

Harry sighs tying his hair back. Curling iron. She left it on before she left to get the kids and it must've fell on the carpet.

Harry returns to Darcy and Oliver. "Get in the car for me will ya?" He says and they follow suit. "Can you sit with them?" Harry asks me and I nod.

"At least we get to stay at dads" Darcy shrugs. Surely Harry would've gotten Cara another hotel room. Not meaning to sound inconsiderate but where would she sleep?

I'm knocked out of my trance when the driver door opens. "Well looks like you two will connect more" Harry says with a shrug.


I close the door behind us once we get to our bedroom.

"Why did you invite her here?" I ask in a hushed whisper. "Her flat burned down Louis what the hell do you mean?"

I cross my arms "I mean you couldn't buy her a fucking room in your hotel?! You know she hates me"

"Louis it's not about you right now I could've lost my children today" harry sits on the bed and types away on his phone.

"I understand that but you didn't. I mean don't you think it's weird this all happened on our anniversary?"

Harry scoffs "you are paranoid. Don't you think it'd be weird if Darcy and Oliver stay here and Cara sleeps on the floor below us?"

I shake my head no. "No not really it's not like we're at a motel 6 we're at a five star hotel your hotel".

"Well I'm sorry but she's my ex wife" "exactly your ex wife no longer married her problems are no longer yours" I interrupt.

"She's the mother of my children Louis she's still welcome here when she needs be" Harry sighs annoyingly.

I grumble to myself. "Everyone seems to know when it's an occasion for ourselves." I say lying in our bed. "Louis today is our anniversary and I understand that" Harry says kissing my forehead.

"And we can still celebrate just later tonight" he reassures. "I'd rather not have your ex wife around while we're fucking" I say honestly.

"That means we'll just have to be quieter" he smirks against my lips. "Besides she'll be gone before we know it"


"What would you like for dinner Harry?" I ask he was leaning against the counter with this reading glasses on.

"Some sort of carb. I haven't had a carb today" He hums with a nod. "A carb as in one carb?"

Harry looks over his glasses before pushing them back up his nose. "I'll make pasta" I open the fridge to the frozen fish.

"Hmmm we can't have that. Caras allergic to fish" He says and I drop the bag into the sink. "Perfect" I hum turning on the hot water.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Ill cook it separately yeesh"

I suffice and Harry kisses my cheek with approval before leaving. Moments later Cara enters.

"You know Harry used to make pasta homemade" Cara hums reaching into the China cabinet.

"Well I'd rather he not tire his hands out just yet....considering it is our anniversary today" I reply turning on the stove.

"Figured we'd need the strength later" I give a fake smile. With that Cara leaves the kitchen a glass nearly spilling over with wine.



The clock on the entertainment center read 1:08am the kids were asleep on the couch and Louis wished Cara would get the memo to take her ass to bed too.

"Im going upstairs" Louis says giving Harry the look. He goes up the staircase and into their closet to but on his clothes in this case "uniform".

He finds the Burberry skirt, the grey top and fishnet socks.

Instead of his usual arthritis giving stilettos he opts for platforms.

It was now 1:30am meaning Harry should be in the stairs by now. Louis puts Harrys reading glasses amongst his brown hair.

2:45 roles around Louis is laying down on his phone he can barely hold it in front of his face without it falling onto his nose. He sighs and kicks off his shoes before pulling the duvet over him.


Louis feels the bed dip down on Harry's side and his arm come around his waist.

"Is this all for me" Harry hums pressing soft kisses to Louis neck. "It was" Louis remarks budging Harry away.

"What the hell took you so long?" Louis argues. "I'm sorry I had to take the kids to bed." He says.

"She couldn't do that?" Louis asks with an eyeroll. "She can't carry them up the stairs..."

"So the couch is free then? Good" Louis stands from the bed grabbing a pillow and putting it in Harry's hands.

"Cmon Louis" Harry practically begs. Louis ignores him. "Stop" Louis grumbles when Harrys fingers trace his fishnet socks.

Harry doesn't listen he continues by turning Louis onto his back. He starts at Louis thighs leaving bruises up to his belly button just before his shirt started.

"We were supposed to play professor" Louis pouts playing with Harry's hair. "We still can" Harry reassures.

Louis pretends to sigh. "It's not our anniversary anymo-" Louis starts but Harry hikes Louis legs around his waist he wasn't getting away that easy.

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