Bonus 6

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Wisdom Teeth
(Remember this is fiction. I'm completely positive you CANT have a wisdom teeth removal while pregnant but I could be wrong)

"Wakey wakey" Harry hums kissing Louis jaw his thumb circles his baby bump. "You have to go to the dentist" he adds shaking Louis by his hip.

"Stop shaking my children" Louis whines squeezing Harrys hand. "Uh my children too babe"

"Why aren't you coming with me?" Louis huffs stretching his back like a cat. "Because I have to watch the kids and your sister Lottie wants to spend time with you" Harry yawns.

"But I'm scared of the dentist" he says slipping out of bed. "Your sisters going" Harry reassures and Louis stomps to the bathroom.


"Louis say hello" Lottie laughs when Louis stairs at the brunette in the screen.

Lottie was driving while Louis was sitting in the passenger seat. "Why do you have a mean mug (face)? Harry chuckles.

"Louis that's Harry" Lottie says and Louis nods with approval his mouth was stuffed with cotton.

"Hi harry" Louis waves with a smile. "How was it Lottie" Harry asks seeing as Louis wasn't fully together.

"Great he fell asleep easy"

"I was worried about the kids really. I'd never known you could go under anesthesia pregnant" Harry shrugs.

"Yeah doctor said since the babies are basically grown he was fine but if he was only weeks pregnant he'd have to wait"

"Wait I know you!" Louis exclaims with a lisp. "You're my boyfriend" he says happily.

"Husband now" Lottie corrects

"Hi husband!" He waves "Do you know me?"

Harry goes to speak but is interrupted. "Why is she here?"

"Why aren't you here?" Louis asks with a sniffle. "Because I have to babysit but my moms coming over to get the kids so I can pick you up"

"Pick me up?" "Yeah your sister is taking you to Ben and Jerry's and I'm meeting you there"

"Oh" Louis looks out the window seemingly forgetting he's on FaceTime. "Harry?"


"The dentist said....I couldn't suck your co-"

Lottie puts her hand on the horn to stop Louis Private conversation. "Cock" Louis finishes with a scowl to Lottie

"Cock like a chicken" he says patting Lotties arm reassuringly.

"Louis I don't think nows the time to talk about that" Harry says embarrassed that Louis spilled their beans like that.

"But you can eat my...." he giggles when Harry talks over him which is a lie cause he doesn't like for Harry to do that.

"We'll see you at Ben and Jerry's" Lottie says taking the phone from her older brother "bye bye" Louis hums

"You guys are gross" Lottie says shaking her head. "We" Louis says matter of factly.


"Hello again Harry" Lottie sighs closing her car door. "I apologize for what you heard" Harry rubs the bridge of his nose.

Louis fogs the window before tracing the letter H. Harry takes this as a cry for help and opens Louis car door and unbuckles his seatbelt.

"Um the dentist said change the cotton every 3 hours and the anesthesia should wear off in 6 hours." Lottie informs Harry and gives him Louis bag.

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