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Chapter 18 *

The next afternoon after Harry comes home I decide to talk to him about what's going on.

"Hey can I talk with you?" I ask sitting on be sofa. He hums tiredly loosening his tie.

"Can I change or shower first?" He asks. "No I think this needs to be said before you take a shower and end up falling asleep. Just sit" I say patting the cushion next to me.

"Okay to start I want to know where are we at the moment?" I say motioning between the both of us. "What do you mean?" Harry asks with an eyebrow raise.

"We haven't had any intimacy since before Christmas...almost two weeks." Harry tilts his head foreword lazily.

"I'm sorry. Like I said before, this week and New Years week is usually my busiest" Harry says with a sigh.

"I don't mind it I just want to make sure your okay having not done anything in a while" I reassure and he nods.

I figured he'd crack a joke or pick me up and dash up the stairs.

"Yeah Im so busy I don't even think about it much" he shrugs.

I nod dismissing the topic. "I want to bring up the next thing. I've thought about going back to school."

Harry sits up and faces me "why do you want to do that?"

I shrug "I never got to go. Besides I just stay here all day alone I'm tired of just shopping and ordering takeout" I scoff.

"Then we'll get a dog would that help?" He says holding my hand. I laugh "no cause the maintenance for it"

"If you're hung up on me staying on campus then don't be because I've looked into taking a day program so I can take classes online and go to a few lectures" Harry isn't convinced he rubs his forehead.

"I just don't see the need. What will school satisfy in your life?" He says a bit harshly.

"Uh the fact that I never got to go. Or the fact that I want to be a role model to my sisters. Life isn't about meeting a richer older man, leaving behind your dream, and living off him it's about finding your niche"

Harry rolls his eyes. "Wouldn't you want Oliver or Darcy to go to uni?"

He chuckles bitterly. "No they don't have to they'll inherit my business"

At this point I'm aggravated "So what if they don't want to run your business?"

He shrugs. "Sell it or own investments on it and live off the profit"

"You'll be 40, so you won't be retired when they reach working age, will they have to get jobs?" I ask and he shrugs yet again.

"Nope" he sighs. "What is wrong with you?" I ask pushing his hand from my lap.

"I just don't understand why we're talking about this" He breaths deeply through his nose.

"I don't understand your problem with me going to college I'm 18 still young" I argue back crossing my arms. "Because you don't need to go"

"What if we break up?" I ask the question I didn't want the answer too. "Then what? Where will I go? I won't even have any money of my own. I won't even have a job"

"I'm through talking about it" He holds a hand up and I slap it away. "Don't put your hand in my face" I say.

"I don't need your approval youre not my father" I mumble. "And I'll withdrawal you myself" Harry says standing over me.

"And I'll apply somewhere else" "and yet again I'll withdrawal you" he crosses his arms

"You can't even do that" I say turning away from him. "Um once someone sees a bunch of zeros on a check I can do anything"

"Once I leave then I can do anything" I mumble standing from the sofa and turning from harry.

"What'd you say?" Harry asks walking grabbing my shoulder. "Once I leave you I can do whatever I want" I reiterate.

"But like you said where will you go? You won't have any money? Or a job?" He says in a pretend sad tone.

"I'm sure that Mercedes is worth plenty". He smirks "what do you plan to do with that?"

"I can sell it barely driven it since I'm here all damn day."

"That would be theft darling the car is in my name" Harry puts his hands on his knees and leans forward to get to my level. "Then you'd go to jail and you'd really have no where to go. And no money" Harry says ruffling my hair and going upstairs.



Harry was being a real jerk to Louis. He was only angry because Sylem his 5 minute fling was gone on holiday.

After not actually having sex Harry grew angry when the one time he could was taken away.

Louis was convinced Harry wasn't in his right mind there was no way he could treat Louis that way and not feel bad afterwards.

That night Louis slept in the guest room well Darcy's. Her bright pink Bentley was placed in the corner.

He wondered if Harry truly meant what he said about the twins inheriting the business and the fact that he didn't want them to attend higher education.

What parent doesn't want their children or in this case even a boyfriend to pursue their dreams.

Louis pulled back the tasseled duvet and got inside. He hoped Harry would be okay by tomorrow because whether he liked it or not he was going to school.

And if Harry didn't know there was no need to tell.

And if Louis didn't catch on there was no need to bring up Sylem.


AN- Harry bout to catch these hands


Harry has cheated more than once.

Louis is planning on going to school.

How will Harry react when he finds out if he even does?

How will louis react when he finds out Harry has cheated on him?

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