Bonus 19

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Requested by gingerstaub12 (hopefully this is what you wanted)
Lost and Found
Arlo - 4 years old
Rowan and Noah - 2 years old

"What?" Harry mumbles after Louis shakes him awake. "There's someone at the door" Louis whispers as if an intruder were in the house.

"It's probably Oliver or Darcy" he mutters rubbing his eyes. Louis groans reaching over Harry's torso.

Harry sighs "what are y-"

"Be quiet" Louis hushes him harshly and opens the camera on the security iPad.

Then there was another bang on what sound like the glass. "Harry I told you" Louis says practically burrowing in Harry's lap from fear.

Harry takes the iPad watching the person at the door take off down their driveway. Standing from the bed Harry grabs the gold club from the closet. "Are you crazy call the police" Louis says getting out of bed to follow his husband.

Louis dials 911 following Harry down the stairs grabbing a knife from the holder on the counter.

Harry looks out the window and there was no one not even a glimpse of someone being there. Then there was a babies cry.

"Are you kidding me were in danger and it's not relevant" Louis whispers harshly. The operator stated the call wasn't severe enough to send a police officer.

"I've seen this in movies, they put a tape recorder on the step to lure you out" Louis admits and Harry opens the front door.

"Holy shit it's an actual baby" Harry says giving the golf club to Louis who steps out of the way. The baby was in a carrier with a diaper bag and all.

Louis picks up the note attached to the bag before closing and locking the door typing in the security code.

"This is sketchy" Harry admits shushing the baby who was crying.

"The note says, I can't take care of her any longer so I thought you two would give her the life she deserved please don't call the police I don't want her in the foster system. I hope you find her before you die"

"They're going to kill us" Louis says instantly pale. "Before she dies" Harry corrects pointing to the word.

"Babe we're alright" he quietly chuckles at Louis anxious state.

Louis mutters and 'oh'. "Who do you think left her?" Harry asks and Louis turns on the lights.

Louis shrugs, "I don't know anyone who was pregnant...the bag says Leah" he says reading the embroider.

The couple sit on the couch Harry taking the blanket which swaddled her and she looked to be nearly a year old already.

"Leah Sadie born January 23" louis reads the paper flipping it over. "No last name no nothing" he says fishing through for more stuff but all there were were clothes diapers and toys.

"What are we going to do with her?" Louis asks watching the 10 month old play in Harry's curls.

Harry hums with a frown. "We already have five kids."

"But Harry where can we take her she'll be taken to the orphanage" he says. "What if this was like a miracle or something because we cant have kids anymore?"

"Maybe it's a sign of a test...besides look at her cute face" Louis smiles.

Harry has to pry his eyes away before giving in.

"We're taking her to the pediatrician as soon as it opens. We can adopt her and buy another crib for the meantime" Harry admits he had secretly wanted to keep her.

Louis practically squeals. "What are we going to tell the kids?"

Arlo and the boys were over Jays house for the weekend and they same back in two days.

Harry shrugs. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it"

*1 year later*

"Mummy?" Leah says pitter pattering into the bedroom.

"What you doing?" She says standing on the bed rail to get a better view. "Mummy is folding clothes" Louis says picking her up and putting her on their bed.

Then there were more tiny feet coming down the hallway followed by exclaims of mummy! And Louis putting his kids on his and Harry's bed.

"Moana!" Arlo exclaims pointing at the commercial on the tv. "Mummy can we watch Moana" Arlo says tugging Louis sleeve and Leah nods eagerly.

The boys protest immediately. "Noooo watch Paw Patrol"

"Nooo paw patrol is shit" Arlo says blowing a raspberry in Noah's face triggering him.

"Germs! Mumma there's germs on me!" He yells scrambling through the freshly folded laundry.

Louis pinches his nose.

"Everyone needs to be nice or you're all in time out and Arlo where did you learn that?" Louis asks grabbing a wet wipe from the drawer.

Arlo giggles knowing she wasn't allowed to say stupid. "Daddy says shit" Leah pipes in and Arlo nods.

"Yeah when watching sports" Arlo clarifies. "Well your daddy and I are going to have a chat about his language"

"Shit" Rowan asks joining in on the laughter. "None of you say that again or you'll get spankings" Louis says with a raised brow and the kids eyes go wide it was a blue moon when they'd gotten spankings.

Noah calms down after Louis does his best to "sanitize" the germs from his face.

The kids banters were broken by Harry appearing in the doorway. They hadn't heard him come in since they were talking loudly.

"Daddy!" All four exclaim before groaning and Ew'ing in disgust at their parents kissing.

"That's gross" Arlo says from her stance as the 'oldest'. "You're all gross" Harry jokes.

"Arlo is grossest cause she spits on me" Noah pouts.

"Are not"

"Are too"

"Are not" Arlo replies crossing her arms.

"Alright you'll be in trouble if you don't stop bickering" Harry reprimands.

"And you'll be in trouble for your language" Louis says poking Harry's chest.

"daddy says shit!" Rowan exclaims

AN - This was shit

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