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Chapter 37

No one told Louis he'd be so horny during his pregnancy he was running up in his 20th week and was showing.

His announcement party was tonight and right now he just wanted to be fucked to oblivion.

"Please" Louis begs following behind Harry. "Louis you're not healed fully and I don't want another rendition of what happened a few months ago." Harry says.

Louis huffs. "How are you staying clean?" He asks with crossed arms. Harry would wake up an hour earlier than Louis for what he assumed was to wank.

"Don't worry about it" Harry reassures with a kiss to his forehead. Louis plays along his hand against Harrys crotch when he feels the coldness.

"No no no" Harry says but Louis is quick to pull his pants down. "You're defying nature. That's why you're up so early every morning" Louis says with crossed arms.

Harry had a cold thermal Pack. "I've been trying to stop my urges to not tempt you" He admits pulling his boxers up. He can't believe Louis just pantsed him

Louis tears up "really?" He says going through a mood swing. "That's so thoughtful" he pouts and harry pulls him into his embrace.

"I feel like a jerk now" Louis sniffles. Harry chuckles, "it's alright It's not like you just pulled my pants down or anything" he reassures and Louis wipes his tears.

"Don't cry love" harry kisses his cheek. "It's just hormones nothing to cry for"

Louis pulls away, "but I have a Skype meeting for about an hour."

"What am I supposed to do?" Louis mumbles playing with the hem of Harry's shirt.

"Only an hour. You can start the registry, book our reservations for the shower in a few months? Or maybe start on the nursery" Harry hums.

Louis groans. "I just want sex. Why'd you have to do this to me?"

Harry laughs, "I'm so sorry."


Louis and Harry have started moving Darcy's things into Oliver's bedroom and putting the bigger beds in storage and opting for twin beds.

"They'll be a little upset when they see they've been roomed together." Louis says to himself.

Harrys noticed this habit but figures Louis talking to his baby bump and doesn't pest him about it.

"But I'd rather you have your own room than to hear them complain about your crying" Louis kneels on the floor to fold the baby clothes.

Another trait Louis has picked up is organization. He made Harry buy him a label maker and now nearly everything has a label on it including the case where their sex toys were.

"Louis?" He hears harry upstairs. "Nursery!" Louis replies peeling another label titled '6 mo' before sticking it onto the drawer.

Harry comes in the room standing behind Louis. "I honestly don't know how you can sit like that all the time" he says to Louis knelt position.

"What're you doing?" He sits down among the folded clothes. "I'm organizing" Louis hums stocking another label on the dresser drawer.

Harry rolls his eyes playfully. "Of course" Harry rubs Louis back. "And I've made the hospital bag" Louis nods towards the gray and blue diaper backpack.

"We've put it off for so long I was scared when the Time come we wouldn't be ready" Louis shrugs.

"Have you thought of names yet?" Harry asks helping Louis stand from the floor. "No not yet at least" he shrugs.

"Have you?" Harry shrugs. "I've thought but I want you to choose it's your first baby. My third"

The two are quiet for a while they've moved to the couch. "Are you sure your parents don't want to come tonight?" Louis asks.

Harry shakes his head no. "They're old. I'm sure they will want to see the baby once it's born but the dinner won't do anything for them" Harry admits.

"Of course I'll let them see her when they want to" Louis twirls his ring. Harry gasps "you said her" he points a finger.

"No I didn't" Louis scoffs. "You said of course I'll let them see her" Harry reiterates

Louis shakes his head. "Alright fine I want a girl" he admits with a pout. "But I'll be happy with either"


The waiter gives Harry the check book. "Before we go Harry and I have an announcement to make" Harry squeezes Louis hand.

"You're getting married!" Lottie exclaims clapping happily. "No...not yet at least." Harry shrugs.

"You're breaking up?" Pheobe asks. "No" Louis says shaking his head.

"We're expecting." Louis says. Johannahs mouth drops open. "No way no way!" She stands from the table and rushes to Louis side.

"I'm going to be an aunt?" Lottie says he hand to her chest. Oliver and Darcy make their way to their dad. "You're going to have a baby sibling. Are you excited?"

"Yes I want a little sister" Oliver says with a confident nod. "Me too" Darcy pipes in.

Harry chuckles. "Well we won't have to wait much longer to find out" he reassures patting Darcy's back.

The twins go to Louis excitedly. "How did you hide it from us?" Oliver eagerly asks. "It was so hard to not tell you guys"

"Harry?" Doris (shes 6 in this book) hums pulling the hem of his shirt. "Yes darling" Harry says sitting her on his lap.

"What does exp-pecting mean?" She asks and Harry could die from fondness. "Louis is having a baby like you" he tickles her stomach which causes her to erupt with laughter.

Doris looks just like Louis except she had curly dirty blond hair and a few freckles.

"How do you make a baby?" She asks with a head tilt.

"Uh. You know what why don't you ask your mother she can tell you" Harry escapes the conversation.

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