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Chapter 29 *

Louis wakes up one morning and rushes to the bath room and throws up. "What?" Harry mumbles sitting up in bed.

He hears Louis in the bathroom the door was still ajar. Louis flushes the toilet and stands to his feet.

"Are you sick?" Harry says the obvious and feels Louis forehead. "No" Louis mutters with a sniffle.

"I feel fine now" he rubs his tired eyes. "Probably just....I don't know I'm still tired" he leaves the bathroom.

"It can't just be a simple throw up." Harry admits. "It's fine" Louis reassures. Harry sighs leaning against the bathroom door.

"Well I'm going to clean this up" Harry says with a fake smile. "Thanks your amazing" Louis says reaching his hand out to which Harry takes.

"I know I love you" Harry says. "I love you more" Louis comments and Harry let's go.

Harry returns to the bathroom. "I love you enough to clean up your vomit" he says aloud

"I love you enough to let you"


Around lunch time Louis threw up again. But he still wouldn't go to the doctors. "Louis" Harry warns.

"I'm fine" Louis snaps. "Alright watch the attitude" Harry warns.

Once it was lunch time Harry made salmon and Louis couldn't stomach the smell.

"I can't stand that smell" he complains with a faint gag. "You wanted me to cook it" Harry says with a sigh of defeat and annoyance.

"I know cause I'm craving it but I feel sick" Louis sighs pressing his head to the back of the couch.

"If you throw up we're going-" on cue Louis sprints out of the living room.

Harry turns off the stove and puts a lid over the fish. He awaits for Louis to return before grabbing his keys.

"Cmon were going to the doctors." Harry says pointing out the door and Louis begrudgingly leaves the pent.

Once in the car Harry starts his speech about all the possibilities. "You could have pneumonia or the flu" he starts

"Harry please just shut up" Louis says angrily. "My god you having a shamble about every little thing wont help" he sighs angrily.

Harry tsks "you had better be glad we're driving and your I'll because it seems we've forgotten the rules"

Louis scoffs "are you seriously going there?" He shakes his head. "Yeah I am I've let you slip up several times and I don't appreciate how rude you are"

Harry puts his hand under Louis chin and makes him face him. "Besides it's been a while since you have a proper punishment"

"I'm literally sick!" Louis exclaims. "You were in denial all day today Louis!" Harry says back and louis crosses his arms and looks out the window.

"Still" He mumbles


"Okay we did some bloodwork and Louis it was a false alarm you are not pregnant but!" The Doctor stops him.

"One of the drugs used in your birth control is becoming immune. Let me ask do you use condoms?"

Louis shakes his head no "we don't like the feeling" he shrugs. The doctor nods "so you have really only one option and that is to use condoms"

"We can't do an implant?" Louis asks. "Well we could but really the drugs used in the application only work for women" the doctor frowns.

"But there is a catch with the condom. Louis you will be taken off birth control so in the event the condom breaks...well you get the picture"

Harry is still confused. "Why should he be taken from birth control?"

"Since he is currently on the only one fit for males if we double dosage it could damage his reproductive organs and I take it you do want children"

"So you really only have the option to use condoms. At least until science evolves but we never know how long that'll take"


"I'm sorry" Louis says when he sees the frown on Harry's face when he grabs a box of (XL) condoms from the shelf.

Harry reads the label "not your fault" he sighs. "Maybe we can put them to use later" Louis suggest putting his arms around Harry.

"Sure right after your punishment" Harry kisses his forehead and goes to the checkout. Louis grumbles and catches up.

Harry puts the box of condoms in their special box. "I'll go easy a mere spanking" Harry shrugs.

"You said that the last time and I ended up standing all day" Louis says pulling off his pants.

"Well that was with my belt" Harry says. "Get on your knees" he orders with a snap.

Louis follows his orders but not without a fight. "I'm not over your lap cause you'll get hard" he says with a smirk.

"You're not over my lap because you hate to stand remember" Harry replies pulling Louis panties down.

"Do I have to count for you daddy" Louis says with doe eyes. "Louis you're going to be in deep shit if you don't cut the act" Harry says landing a smack on his right cheek.

Harry spreads Louis legs further before he starts. "Do you know why I'm doing this" he asks basically kneading Louis flesh.

"Because I broke the rules" Louis says. "I called you Harry. And I was being rude" Louis says occupying himself with the zipper on Harry coat that was across the bed.

"Good I'll give you 25 do you think you can handle that?" Harry teases remembering the last time he was spanked and Louis orgasmed.

Louis rolls his eyes and Harry starts.

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