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Chapter 66

"This is where daddy works" Louis says to Arlo who was attached to his hip.

"That's our car" she says pointing to the red Range Rover.

"Yeah that is our car" Louis chuckles opening the glass door.

"Hello Louis. Is this Arlo?" Starla the receptionist asks. Louis nods signing in despite him really not having to.

"You were a little baby when I first saw you. She looks just like you."

"Really everyone says she looks like Harry" Louis says "Speaking of Mr.Styles he's in a meeting do you want me to page him?"

"No I'll just go to his office. Thank you Starla" Louis says going towards the elevator.

"Wow were really high" Arlo says pressing her hands against the elevator glass.

"I know you can see the park from here" he points to the small playground a few streets from the building.

Louis heads to Harry's office sitting at his desk. Arlo has toys left over from 'Bring your Daughter to Work Day?' Which was redundant considering hardly none of Harry's employees had children.

Ten minutes or so pass, Louis looking at the large calendar on Harry's desk. Seems like every date was filled with writing. Tomorrow being 'Oliver's Dentist Appt.'

And a few week ago being 'Gender Reveal'

Louis hears Harrys voice down the hall and Louis turns around in the chair.

"Thank You for send-"

"Whose that?" Another voice asks and it sounds like Ornella Harrys new PA. "That's my daughter" he laughs.

Louis turns the chair around. "And my husband What're you doing here?" Harry chuckles happily.

It was rare for Louis to visit. "I wanted to come by" Louis says and Harry pecks his cheek. "Hello Ornella"

"Hi I hear about you all the time. But Mr.Styles I'll give the contractor a call this evening have a good rest of the day" Ornella bids a bye before leaving the three

"Starla was going to page you but I wanted to surprise you" Louis shrugs. "And you did. When I saw Arlo I was wondering where you were, I couldn't see you over the chair you're too short" Harry murmurs the last bit.

Louis laughs and Harry pulls the clients chair beside his own.

"Arlo tell daddy what you did today" Louis says to Arlo who seems to have forgotten.

"Oh potty!" She claps. "Yes! No more nappies" Harry rejoices.

"Until our boys are here then it's double duty" Louis sighs.

"What was your meeting about" Louis asks squeezing the avocado shaped stress ball on Harrys desk.

"The new Bellagio. We're moving to the states now." harry says putting Arlo in his lap.

"Congratulations. Is that what Ornella was talking about?" Louis asks and Harry nods.

"I've got a raging headache now too" Harry groans. "Poor thing" Louis pouts playfully.


"Dad can we get a trampoline?" Oliver asks coming into the kitchen and standing right behind Harry.

"Olly" Harry groans when he son won't leave his side. "Please?"

"Why do you want a trampoline?" Harry leans over the kitchen island. Louis shakes his head and jumps to grab Tylenol for Harrys headache.

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