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Chapter 39

"Oh that hurts" Louis groans from his spot on the couch. "Hey you Alright?" I say sitting up quickly my hand against Louis lower back.

Louis shakes his head no his hands grip the rim of the coffee table. "Ahhh" Louis winces his nails digging into the wood.

I stand from the couch. The twins clamber down the staircase. "Take the hospital bag, go to the car, called Anne and Jay"

Oliver takes my phone from me and Darcy slings the bag over her shoulder and jumps to reach the car keys hanging from the wall.

"Nanny Anne" I hear Oliver say before the front door closes.

I grab Louis wrists and help him stand. "It's time" I say and he shakes his head. "No my water hasn't broke" he says tears brimming his eyes.

"Louis better safe than sorry" I remind him and help him towards the door. "Oh fuck" he leans against the rails in the elevator.

Once out the elevator I hear a splash of water. Louis pulls up the shirt he's wearing revealing the wet spot on his shorts and the liquid on the floor.

"Cmon were almost there" I say and motion someone to clean the spot. Once in the car Louis phone rings and he gives it to me.

"Harry were are you going?" Johannah asks. "To Saint Mary's. His room is on the third floor room 203" I say quickly backing out of the spot.

"Oh my god" Louis pants. I pull away from the phone putting it on speaker.

"Darcy use my watch and time every time Louis screams okay?" The twins are white as snow. "Yeah okay" she nods with a gulp before taking the watch.

"Louis just breathe" Johannah says. "I know that" Louis grits.

"Not right now mum" he adds feeling bad for speaking to her with that tone.



Harry was sat in a chair beside Louis. He was getting marked up for his c-section. "You okay?" Harry says kissing his forehead.

Louis eyes droop and he laughs within the mask he's wearing. "You're loopy" replies watching in the monitor.

"I'm exhausted" louis replies. "And I haven't had the baby yet" he hums. "Alright Louis enough of the anesthesia" the doctor takes the plastic mask from his mouth.

"The shot hurts" he mumbles. "But I can't feel my legs or anything. I'm like just a head" he says and Harry smiles with a faint laugh.

"Just a head? No torso or legs." Harry reaffirms with a nod. "Exactly like the legless horseman"

Harry laughs "I'm afraid it's the horseless headsman but in your case it's the bodyless headsman" Harry hums gently running his fingers through Louis tousled hair.

The doctors hook up a monitor for Harry and Louis to watch. Well more-so Harry Cause Louis is nearly out of it.

"Alright were ready. Dad you ready?" The doctor points a suction hose at Harry who nods.

"Can you feel that Louis?" He asks and Louis shakes no.

Harry watches closely on the monitor. Cara had vaginal birth so this was all new.

And shamefully Harry being young and never once seeing the birth of a child he gagged when he was asked to cut Darcy's umbilical cord.

He thought, never again. But things were different now.

Louis watches the doctors feel around in his stomach which was kind of gross yet somewhat interesting.

"What is that?" He asks hearing the sound of a faint vacuum. "They're popping the thing" Harry says with a nod. "Placenta" Louis says Harrys hand was tied up with his.

It worries both Louis and Harry when they don't hear a cry. But the doctor pats the babies back and the room fills with them.

"Oh my god" Louis sighs his eyes brimming with tears. "Congratulations it's a girl!" The nurse pulls the curtain that blocks Louis View slightly down before holding the little girl for him to see.

"Another Princess, Louis" Harry says and Louis wipes the tear that'd fallen. "Dad would you like to cut the cord?" Harry is handed thin scissors and he clips it. (Without gaging lol )

The baby is cleaned and wrapped in a pink blanket and a pink hat before given to Louis whose anesthesia is wearing off.

"Look at her" Louis whispers his index finger tracing the hairs on her head. "She looks just like you" Harry says with a fond hum.

After Louis is stitched up they remove the surgical equipment and the curtain. "Would you like the family in?" One nurse says and another hold a pen and clipboard.

"Have you chosen a name?" She scoots a chair towards the two. "I really like Arlo" Louis says.

Arlo was the name Harry had picked out his was own was Julie. "Arlo Julie" Harry says which makes Louis smile.

Once the details are done and both have signed the birth certificate a tag is placed on Arlos ankle.



The family comes in the hospital room Louis has just finished feeding Arlo and was now starting to drift to sleep.

"Look at your little sister" I whisper and the twins both awe. "I knew we would have a sister" Darcy says.

It hadn't clicked that between Louis and my own children we had so many twins.

Doris and Ernest were next having been still dressed in their pajamas. "How cuteee" Doris says leaning onto the arm of the chair.

"Quieter" Ernest shushes her upon seeing Johannah do the same. I chuckle and the next twins come in then Lottie.

"Oh my goodness she looks just like Louis but with your green eyes" Lottie says with a coo. "Louis what'd it feel like?" She sits on the foot of He bed.

"I was under gas I didn't feel anything." Louis chuckles tiredly. "It was recorded so someone has it" Louis hums putting his head on the pillow


"Be careful" I say to Oliver and Darcy who sit on the couch next to Louis. He'd been released from the hospital after three days.

"I've got stitches" Louis says quietly and he pulls his shirt up slightly revealing the metallic thread. "Ouch" Oliver winces.

Arlo is safety asleep upstairs. The baby monitor held to louis chest. After a movie and dinner the four of us go up the stairs for bed.

"Dad will mum have another baby?" Darcy asks I chuckle kissing her forehead. "I'm sure we will but not for a while." I reassure.

"Goodnight you two" I kiss Olivers forehead and turn out the light.

After returning to the room. The blinds are open, the moonlight dances over Louis "good" side.

I sigh climbing in bed. "Do you remember anything before you gave birth?" I ask Louis putting my arm around his waist careful of his stitches.

"No but I'm sure I said something crazy" he laughs. "It wouldn't be you if you didn't."

"But I had asked if you could feel anything and you just told me you were a sole head....no torso or legs" I chuckle.

"Oh god. I was really loopy" he rubs his forehead. The room is quiet except Arlos little murmurs here and there.

"I love you" Louis says "like a lot" he adds. "I love you too" I hum

"Like a lot"

End of Part Two

So lights up Adore You came out and there's so much going on Eroda Fine Line Watermelon Sugar SNL


But the album preview was amazing and Harrys so confident now and I'm so proud

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