Bonus 5

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Hey baby can you do me a huge favor and plug up my laptop I'm going to be out running errands longer than I thought read the message Louis types a reply but is distracted by Arlo.

"Mummy look what I drew" she says holding up what looks like a butterfly. "Wow that's very pretty" Louis says holding the picture.

"We'll stick it on the fridge" he stands from the floor where he was dressing Noah and Rowan.

"There front and center" Louis says and Arlo is off to draw some more. While he's up Louis grabs the twins bottles from the fridge and warms them before returning to finish clothing them.

"Hi Rowan" louis chuckles when the four month old is caught wriggling around the play mat. "What're you doing?" Louis puts him in his lap and buttons the bottom of his onesie.

And just like that Louis forgot to plug up the laptop.


Harry goes to the dry cleaners and gets a call from Mr.Oakley.

"Harry where are you?" He asks and the owner of the building hands him his suit.

"I'm picking up dry cleaning why?"

"Uh Spade Enterprise is in the lobby" he says matter of factly. "Now! They weren't coming till 4"

Harry checks his watch it was 3:35. "Well they're hear now I'll have Liam try and stall but your ass needs to get here now"

Harry hangs up and starts his car driving home. "Daddy!" He's greeted at the door by Arlo.

"Hi sugar pea" he says not wanting to seem hurried even though he is. "Louis did you plug up my laptop?" He asks and Louis could shoot himself.

Harry sighs "I take that as a no." He mumbles and goes up the staircase to retrieve it. "I got sidetracked I'm so sorry" Louis says and Harry is too focused on pulling up his documents on an almost dead computer.

"Not now" he says grabbing the charger to plug it up. "I've got to be back at work now. I pray these will print"

Harry clicks the print button and there's an error message. Not enough battery life to print

"Fucking hell"

"Can you send them to my computer?" Louis asks trying to figure out something that would help. "If they cant print what makes you think I can send them too you."

Louis rolls his eyes "just a thought"

"If It were plugged up when I asked you an hour ago I could've grabbed it and went to the meeting." Harry brushes his hair back.

"Can you ask them to wait a while longer?"

Harry scoffs "no they are at my building now Liam is stalling for as long as he can." The clock read 3:50.

"I can't sit here and wait for this. I'll just wing it" Harry says and rushes back out of the house.

Louis remembered Harry staying up all night to work on his lecture for Spade Enterprise and he had to be the one to mess it up.

The laptop read 9% charged and Louis signs into his email and starts a new one before dialing Stella his secretaries number.

"Hi Louis how can I help you?"

"Hey Stella I'm in a bit of a pinch right now can you print this email I'm sending you? It's for Harry if you could give the documents to him when he arrives"

Stella agrees and it was 4:07 when Louis could send the documents. Stella printed them despite Harry coming in already and attempted to take them to the board room but it was locked.

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