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Chapter 25*

So guys I've moved into university! I'm glad this books is finished and all I have to do is upload over time. I would hate to not have time to write or leave you hanging like some authors but luckily I just have to upload the chapters!

"Louis!" Harry says from downstairs. He's checked his Patek watch for the third time. "My god I'm coming" he says grabbing his heels.

Louis has a fit a couple days prior, a literal fit for his dress then a fit from anger.


Harry watches Louis stand on the scale in their bathroom. The boy wanted to prove he'd gained weight.

Louis sighs, "just yesterday I had to take back my gala dress."

"You couldn't fit that?" Harry says not meaning to sound so harsh.

Louis scoffs pushing the scale back before leaving the bathroom.

"Louis I didn't mean it like that I swear" Harry explained chasing after him.

"meant that I got it custom fitted based off a picture to begin with" Harry reassures.

"That proves that I have gained weight" Louis says with rolled eyes.

"No it just means that the designer might've underestimated the measurements."

"You're not good at motivational talk" louis said and honestly he wasn't.

"I used to be Kourtney Kardashian's now I'm Robert Kardashian" he shrugs and I hold back a laugh.

"Stop laughing." He says pointing a finger at Harry. "Baby you're blowing this way out of proportion okay you gain a little weight"

"That's easy for you to say you're 32 and weigh less than I do"

"I weigh 185 pounds."

"Like I said you weigh less than I do"

"And you'll still look sexy." Harry says with a kiss to his forehead.


They arrive at the venue which was a huge castle like building. Harry gets out of the car opening Louis door.

"Park it in the shade please" He said tossing the keys to the valet.

"Oh my god my first red carpet event" Louis says his grip tightening around Harry's arm.

"I'm so nervous" Louis said pulling his dress down his (snatched) waist.

"Why? Just look gorgeous as you already are and if someone strikes up a conversation laugh at everything they say. It's just a bunch of old geazers." Harry said kissing Louis cheek since he had on sparkly lip gloss

"By the end of the night everyone will be to drunk to interview" Harry shrugs making Louis laugh.

"There he is, the man of the hour." A man said and he looked to be 60 age and his wife was around Harry's age.

"Rick!" Harry said and the two hugged.

"This was my..."apprentice" he taught me entrepreneurship." Harry said and I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you" Louis says and then shakes his wife's hand. "I love your dress where did you get it?"

"It's Alexandre Vauthier" Louis says. "From the winter collection?" She says happily and Louis nods.

Harry cuts the conversation short "Well we've gotta get going Rick." He pars his back

"Okay Harry I'll see you later tonight". Harry and I walked hand in hand to a red carpet.

"Harry to your right!" "Harry to your left!" Photographers yell. It was routine.

Harry and I walked halfway down stopping for more pictures, this time Harry's arm around my waist and his hand resting on my thigh.

"Harry what're you two wearing tonight?"

"Saint Laurent and Alexandre Vauthier" Harry said progressing through the red carpet photos.

"Harry could we have a few moments to ask some questions?"

"Sure thing" Harry held Louis waist as they stepped aside.

"Harry what inspired you to start your own restaurants around the world?"

"A humble start, I knew I was on this earth for something. My dad was a great cook so I took up the practice"

"Who can you thank for your success?"

"My dad for taking me in. As for business Rick Forbes who is here tonight"

"Do you donate money or time to any charity acts?" Harry listens before nodding. "Uh yes actually my children are partners in an organization for twins. It helps families who aren't expecting twins with really anything, formula and baby things"

"How amazing. What is this organization called?" The woman points the microphone back at Harry.

"Twice Upon a Child" He says with a nod. "Wow how amazing Thank you for your time today Harry"

Louis mother had told him about the organization considering twins run is his family but he didn't know Harrys children were partners for it.

Deep down inside the egotistical 32 year old harry was he was very caring and compassionate. He strives for greatness and had accomplished even greater.

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