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Chapter 50*

"Mummy?" Arlos voice says from the hallway. The pitter patter of feed enter to room. She steps onto the foot stool.

"Shh your daddy's still asleep" I say pulling her onto my lap. "Birthday?" She asks pointing to the clock.

I chuckle "not today love tomorrow is your birthday"

"But not today?" She pouts her cheeks are a rosy pink. "Cmon lets go downstairs" I say feeling Harry stir around in the bed.

"Tomorrow is your birthday. You're going to be how old?" I ask sitting her on the kitchen counter far away from the ledge.

"One" She says with a finger in the air. "Min-we Mouse" she points to the stack of Minnie Mouse themed balloons.

I thought it asked him to put those away. I sigh. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask.

After making breakfast for the three of us I sit Arlo in her high chair while Harry comes down the stairs.

"Morning" he kisses my cheek. I hum "Are you prepared for court today?" I ask and he grabs his plate.

He shrugs, "oh nervous but I think I'll beat the case"

"I'm sure you will. Caras too busy with Giohraph"

"Giovanni" Harry laughs. "I know his name. I just knew you'd laugh." I bump hips with his.

We take a seat at the table. "What're you eating?" Harry says leaning his head into her shoulder.

"Cereal" she offers him a piece with sticky fingers. "Thank You" Harry says pretending to eat it but he puts it under his plate.

"She saw the balloons" Louis says nodding his head towards the stack on the counter. "She won't remember at least I hope not" Harry shrugs.


"Can I have this?" Harry asks Arlo whose playing with his tie. "Nope" She says with a grin.

"But daddy needs this tie it's his favorite tie" he says with a pout. "Okay dont be sad" she apologizes giving the tie back.

"Where's Mummy?" She asks crawling under the duvet. "He's...starting the car yeah starting the car"

Truth is Louis was taking the wrapping paper out of the Tesla and bringing it inside.

Harry goes the tie around his neck. "Where gifts?" She says with a pout.

Harry chuckles locking his briefcase. "They're hidden so you can't find them" he says kissing her forehead. "Not even a peek"

"No, no peeking Arlo" he says brushing his suit down with the palm of his hand.

"How do I look?" He asks buttoning his black shirt then deciding to unbutton it. Arlo claps her hands.

"Thank you. You are my toughest critic." Harry says hearing the front door open and then the hall closet door close.

Louis returns upstairs to their bedroom. "Okay the eagle is in the nest" Louis responds out of breath from the jog upstairs.

"And this eagle is leaving the nest" harry kisses Louis grabbing his brief case. "I will be back Arlo. Be good" Harry says pointing two fingers at her.

Harry kisses Louis again before going down the stairs and out the front door.

"Mummy why daddy go?" She asks nestling further into her father's pillow.

Louis puts Harrys clothes down the laundry chute. "Um he's going to talk to important people" Louis shrugs.

"Oh" she nods. "When be back?" She asks. "Around 1 so two hours." Louis says pulling the duvet down. Her small body curls up.

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