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Twin Tingz
Louis is pregnant with the twins. He's having a semi rough day.

Louis and harry were laying together on the couch. With Louis being 24 weeks pregnant he was starting to really crave things.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks looking up at Louis from where his head was placed on his legs.

"I'm craving....dirt" Louis finishes, eying the potted plant on the fireplace ledge.

Harry furrows his brows. "Don't look at me like that" Louis chuckles catching Harrys glance.

"It's weird I can't help it" he shrugs. "You're craving potting soil?" Harry asks brushing his ringlets away.

"Yeah" Louis says almost dreamily. "Last night my tissue box was testing me"

"Remind me to never let you get me pregnant" he says making Louis nearly pee from laughing.

"What else is going on?" Harry asks interested in more bizarre cravings. "I'm just so tired all the time" Louis sighs leaning his head back.

Harry traces shapes into Louis stomach which was covered by a thin top, he didn't even bother with pants for the day.

"Why is you're bellybutton so big?" Harry says stifling his laugh. "Because I'm big. It just popped out" Louis shrugs watching his husband poke at the now VERY noticeable outie.

"It's like the bike horn button" Harry scoffs and Louis rolls his eyes. "Arlo said it was a clown nose"

"At least one of our kids inherited the funny bone"

"I think one of the babies will be great- ow - at footie because he's kicking like hell right now" he winces his forhead tensing up.

"Do you think one will eat the other?" Harry asks ruining the moment. "What?" Louis scoffs.

"Just wondering, I absorbed my twin. Which explains my nipples" he shrugs. Turning over onto his stomach his legs in the air like a teenage girl

"Wow two of you?" Louis thinks. "Yeah twice the good looks" harry winks.

"No I was thinking twice my allowance" Louis laughs. "But that would be really illegal for me to marry you both"

Harry shudders "and weird, waking up and knowing I would have to share. No thank you sistah"


"Louis What're you doing?" Harry asks after he'd told Louis to get dressed so they could go out and pick up things for the nursery.

"What?" Louis replies from the bed he was laying down on his phone.

Harry furrows his brows, "I said get dressed so we can go to the mall?"

Louis frowns rolling onto his back. "Do I have to go? I don't want to put on pants or shoes. I haven't seen my feet since last month"

Harry hums "at least change your grandma underwear"

Louis throws a pillow at him and stands from the bed. Harry hears sniffling as he dries his damp hair.

"What's wrong?" He says sympathetically. "I can't even see my dick" Louis says with puppy eyes.

"And it's not funny" Louis pouts. "It is funny. I'm laughing with you" Harry reassures rubbing his arms gingerly.

"Now just put on some pants and we can go"

Louis lets out an audible groan. "I thought you said just change my underwear?"

"I know but I don't want men staring at you" Harry hums holding Louis hands. Louis childishly stomps to their closet to find some leggings.

"It'll be over soon"


Louis fell asleep on the way to the store and on the way back. It wasn't until his phone chimes and he smacked his lips.

Louis blindly grabs the phone from the cup holder and reads the caller ID. "I'll call her later" he says clicking the lock button silencing the phone.

The phone rings once more. Harry only assumed it was Lottie. "It could be an emergency" Harry shrugs putting the car on autopilot.

Louis does in fact answer the phone and finds it's not an emergency.

"someone better be dying"

"Um hello to you too"

"No ones dying I just wanted to talk to you. I have some time before classes" Lottie says and Louis leans his seat back into the upright position.

Louis talks to his sister hoping he didn't sound as uninterested as he really was.

Harry chuckles watching as Louis responds with simple "yep"

"How exciting"

There's talking in the background and Lottie hangs up. "Just think" Harry starts and laces his fingers through Louis.

"Only 3 months left. Then no more obnoxious mood swings"

"I'm obnoxious?"

Harry sighs leaning back against the headrest. "I don't want to come off as rude but your mood swings kind of are"

"I'm sorry maybe you let me impregnate you Harry then you'd understand" Louis squints before huffing.

"You'd have to find your dick first" Harry mutters with a shrug hearing a very quiet laugh from Louis.

He could see his reflection in the window and Harry could see Louis was biting back his smile.


Louis watched his stomach as the babies moved around inside him.

"You're making me act like a real bitch" Louis jokes and winces when there's a sharp kick towards his belly button.

Liam had came over for dinner and him and Harry were in his office reviewing blueprints and what not.

"I hope you have your father's smarts if you do you'll be very successful. If not you'll have my looks to back you up"

"Your sisters want you to be girls but I wouldn't mind a boy and a girl or even two boys." Louis shrugs

The theatre room door opens and it's Harry with s bowl of ketchup covered popcorn for Louis and white cheddar for himself.

"Beep beep" Harry says gently squeezing Louis belly button. "Liam left?" Louis says

"Yeah the misses has him on a curfew" Harry says clapping the lights out.

"So question" Harry says with a confused face as he continued to fiddle with his belly button. "When you eat something is it sent down and then the babies play survival of the fitest?"

Louis furrows his brows. "Um I would like to imagine they fight for it" Louis shrugs.

"Will you stop?" Louis chuckles pushing Harrys hand away. "Sorry it addicting"

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