Bonus 7

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Broken Collar Bone
(Wtf was in my head when I wrote this)

"Ow Ow Stop Harry" Louis says feeling a sharp pain in his shoulder followed by a quiet snap.

The two managed to sneak away from their five children and have some alone time. Some needed alone time.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Harry asks tying his hair up. Louis turns onto his back. "I think I broke my collar bone" Louis says with a faint laugh.

"What?" Harry's face flushes. "Are you sure?"

"It's sticking out.... I heard it break"

Harry was....soft. "Put your clothes on" Louis says thankful he wore a oversized T-shirt so the only thing he had to put on was panties and some shorts.

Harry pulls his jeans on and a shirt over his head. "I'll tell Darcy to watch her siblings." Harry leaves the room.

It had to be broken Louis shoulder was already turning a deep red. He heads downstairs careful not to jostle his arm.

"How're you not freaking out?"

"It doesn't hurt....adrenaline rush" Louis shrugs and Harry starts the car.

After all they were having sex when it happened.


"You know a clavicle fracture is a rare thing" Louis says looking up symptoms online.

"Alright what seems to be the problem" the doctor asks stepping into the room. "I think I fractured my collarbone" Louis says pulling the shirt he wore down to reveal the bulging bone.

"Okay how did this happen?" She asks already having a follow up X-Ray procedure scheduled.


"Sex brought me here" Louis says honestly. Harry was trying to come up with another scenario before he said it.

"A common reason to be in the ER" the doctor shrugs. "Really?"

"Yeah you wouldn't believe how many times I've had to find vibrators or lost condoms." She grabs her clip board.

"I'll be back in a moment" she says and once the door shuts Louis and Harry laugh.

"A lost vibrator? Could you imagine what procedure they had to do to get it out

"I'd rather not imagine" Harry chuckles. "Rosebud" Louis mumbles.

"Louis! Stop being gross" Harry grimaces and the younger chuckles. "How could you break your collarbone during vanilla"

"Wait a minute did you forget half of what we did that wasn't vanilla" Louis shakes his head.

"If that was vanilla then what's bar-"

"Alright Louis if you could stick this to your shoulder. If you have on any jewelry please remove it and place it in the bag. The same for you sir" A nurse says through a surgical mask.

Louis and Harry take off their wedding rings and Louis removes his naval piercing and Harry sticks them in a ziplock bag.

After the x-ray was over the nurse takes the pad and goes to retrieve the print. "Do you think I'll have a hunch?"

"No you'd have to break your spine" Harry hand Louis his rings. Louis tucks the emerald green gem back in his belly button.

"Okay here are your scans. We can clearly see a fracture on your clavicle. It does look like the pressure came from your shoulder which made the bone break outwards. We will prescribe a pain medication and a simple cast" she shrugs.

"Okay great thank you" Louis smiles and once again their left alone.


"How'd you break it?" Oliver asks. "We're you doing 'it'"

"What's it Darcy? It is very vague" Harry says.

"You know what I'm talking about" she says pointing a finger at him. "The answer is yes"

"Damn dad you broke Louis collarbone. That's a future goal of mine now"

"You want to break Rudy's collar? What does that satisfy?"

"I don't know. Makes me feel top energy" He shrugs. "Please return to the lair you crawled from. My brain cells are dying by the second"

"Both of you leave." Harry says and Louis returns to bed with a pull of his good arm from Harry.

"Why don't you buy a shorter bed?"

"Because then I'd have a broken back." "I can manage just fine" he says laying parallel to the bed. "Yeah now shoo shoo"

Harry closes the door behind them thankful the babies were still asleep.


"Mummy what doing?" Noah says from behind the bedroom door. "I'm changing Noah."

"Why taking so long" he asks and truthfully Louis was taking his pain medication before he ate dinner.

"Where's daddy go find him" Louis says trying to distract him. "Downstairs"

Louis really just wanted to sleep with the adrenaline gone and him on medication he was in pain and tired.

"Harry can you come get Noah" he asks through the intercom. "Sure thing 10-4 roger that"

Harry comes up the stairs. "Cmon Noah give mummy some privacy"

"No" he says angrily and Louis can see his stubby fingers appear from under the door.

"Yes you will see him later" Harry says picking him up only for him to scream for louis.

"Noah calm down" Harry says gently shushing him as they go down the stairs.

"He'll be down in a minute" Harry reassures the spoilt toddler.

Louis does come down for dinner and sits between Harry and Noah. "Man you raised a mummy's boy" Oliver shakes his head.

"It's nice to know you're someone's favorite" Louis says with an eye roll. "You're one to talk Oliver, you would pee yourself when I would pick you up for the weekend"

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