Bonus 16

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Double Duty

"Harry can you change Rowan while I make Arlo's breakfast?" Louis asks with the chubby baby in his arms. Noah was still asleep and usually Rowan was but he needed a  nappy change.

"Rowan always pees on me can you change him and I'll make breakfast?" Harry practically begs and Louis agrees.

"Good morning pumpkin" Louis hums brushing arlos hair from her forehead. "Cmon lets go downstairs daddy's making your breakfast" Louis says

Arlo yawns getting out of the tiny pink princess bed and stretching. Louis chuckles and takes her hand the puppy ears of her pajama feet flopping as she walked.

Harry gasps, "Good morning nugget" Harry hums picking her up. "Did you sleep well?"

Arlo nods and Louis tells Harry he'll be upstairs in the meantime. Louis puts Rowan on the changing table undressing him from his night onesie.

The baby wriggles around being free from the weighted pajamas. "Silly boy" Louis laughs blowing raspberries on his belly.

Louis changes his nappy not getting peed on like Harry. Louis even invested in little fabric teepees for when Harry changes their diapers because it seemed like they loved to pee on him.

Louis dresses him in a clean nappy and a plain striped onesie placing him on the floor under the play mat while he woke up Noah who looked upset.

"What's wrong grumpy pants?" Louis giggles squeezing his cheeks. Nonetheless Louis changed him and dressed him before taking them both downstairs.

"What's the matter Noah?" Harry's has picking up on the scowl. "He's probably scarred from the doctors office" Louis pipes up pouring the powder into the bottle.

"I would be too if someone stuck a thermometer up my..." He stops and covers Arlo's ears who was too content with her chocolate chip pancakes to notice. "Arse hole"

"Oh yeah imagine my pain" Louis jokes handing Harry a bottle to shake. Harry fed Noah and Louis fed Rowan. Once Arlo was done she asked politely could she play on her iPad to which Louis said yes.

The parents only allowed 45 minutes of educational screen time and an hour of tv unless they were watching a movie together.

"All done?" Harry mumbles when Rowan finishes the baby cereal. "Good job" Harry coos clapping Rowan's hands together which makes him smile.

"I'll put him down for tummy time and clean the kitchen" Harry says kissing Louis cheek.

"Thank you" Louis hums and Harry holds Rowan like a sack of potatoes with his arm around the babies stomach.

After Louis finishes feeding Noah he burps him thinking gas was the issue to which it was and soon after he burps he's a smiley baby.

"There's my sweet boy" Louis says in a high pitched voice making Noah hiccup with joy. "You had me worried you weren't feeling good" Louis hums kissing his cheek.

Noah was most likely just acting that way because he was a mummy's boy at heart but since he was still a baby they couldn't be too sure.

"Cmon lets go play with Rowan" Louis hums pushing the chair in and going to the living room carpet where the mat lay on the ground. 

Louis puts him on the ground giving him a soft ball to look at. Noah and Rowan giggle and stay occupied with the mat and Louis sits with Arlo on the couch.

"What are you learning about?" He asks as she climbs into his lap. "Colors" she hums brushing her curls back.

"What's this one?" Louis asks pointing to the red square red she says pushing the letters on the keyboard.

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