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Chapter 70

"Hey hey!" Harry says answering the front door. "Hello Mr.Styles" one of Darcy's friends says.

"Hey Katrina?" Harry says forgetting her name. "That's Miranda" Louis scoffs. "Actually my names Marina" (I'm sorry i had too)

Harry chuckles before letting her in. "Darcy is in her room" he says and she goes up the staircase.

"Daddy tan I pway on jumpy?" Arlo says pitter pattering into the living room. "Yeah let's put your shoes on" he says picking her up.

Louis had Noah and Rowan in a sling across his stomach. Being three weeks old theirs still fairly tiny which is great because Louis would put the sling to good use.

Louis sits on the deck steps and Arlos comes by her light up shoes on display. "Be careful" Harry says unzipping the netting.

Louis sat leaning on his hands. "Actually my names marina" Harry says with a snap of his fingers.

"I'm so used to Molly over" Louis chuckles. "Yeah she's away in Milan for modeling or so Darcy says I don't know." He shrugs.

Noah and Rowan make fussy noises. Noah's eyes fluttering open. "Hi Noah"

The four are interrupted by the girls squeezing between them. "Arlo do you mind if we join?" Darcy asks and Arlo nods falling to her knees to unzip the net.

"Why doesn't Darcy do modeling. I think she'd enjoy that" Harry shrugs unbuckling the sling seeing as Noah was making an effort to stretch his legs.

"If she wants to." He shrugs. "She's never mentioned it besides she's an entrepreneur. Her net worths more that the Molly and her brothers combined." Harry scoffs as if that's normal to say.

"Speaking of net worth, I was finally verified on Instagram. We've been "affiliated" with each other for six years and they just now gave me my blue check" Louis says

"Oliver had his a year ago. And he's a child with no posts" Louis complains and Noah emits small whines.

"I know little man mummy's talk about validation is boring you" Harry coos lifting him from the swing and louis nudges his arm.

"Shh shh shh" Harry whispers as Louis clips the sling into place situating Rowan. "He might be hungry he never finished his breakfast" Louis groans as he stands from the step.

"Is that it are you hungry?" Harry says and Noah smiles. "He's smiling at you" Louis chuckles. "I think he's just had a wee"


"No nap" Arlo says as Louis finished bathing her. "Yes nap"

"No nap" she pops the p as she shakes her head. "Uh yes" Louis laughs. "No mummy" she pouts.

Louis unplugs the drain and helps Arlo stand before wrapping a towel around her. "You have to take a nap so you won't be grumpy" Louis bargains.

"We can't have a grumpy princess now can we?" He dries her off and puts a shirt of his and a training nappy on her.

"No but don't wanna nap" she huffs and kicks her legs slightly. "But mummy and daddy want to take a nap and Noah and Ro want to take naps too"

"You can But not me" she pouts once more and Louis puts her on his hip. Arlo was beyond sleepy but of course she put up a fight.

Louis opens the laundry room where Harry was. "Daddy no nap" she pouts and wobbles her chin. Harry has to bite his tongue to not give in.

"Yes nap" Harry says the exact thing Louis said. "When you wake up we can have some icecream"

"Yay! Wanna take nap now" she urges, and harry kisses her forehead. "Have a good nap love"

Louis returns to her bedroom. "Light out or keep it on" he asks it was still day outside but with the blinds closed it was quite dark.

"out" She says and Louis frowns as his daughters new and "mature" request. She never slept with the light out not even naps.

"Sweet Dreams" Louis kisses her forehead and closes the door.


"Just jump Harry" Louis laughs, he'd wanted to test his strength by carrying his husband on his back. "Louis I believe you" Harry says.

Louis groans when Harry doesn't comply. "We need to go to the office. I believe there's work to be done." Harry says his arms locked behind Louis lower back.

"See if I can do a backbend" Louis ignores Harrys mention of work. Harry scoffs as Louis bends backwards. "Louis you have a medical paper you have to finish and I have blueprints I have to look over."

Louis rolls his eyes, "mines not due till Monday" he says standing back on his feet. "Today's Saturday."

"Even more reason to start" Harry chuckles and Louis gives in as he drags his feet up the stairs.

Louis lays his head in Harry's lap as he checks his emails. "We're supposed to get married today and you're cheating on me." A woman says from Louis computer screen.

"Begone Thot" Louis chuckles watching the reality tv show. "Look at them Harry" Louis says tugging his thumb.

"Holy shit" Harry says, "I know right they're fighting like crazy" Louis hums playing with Harry's ring.

"No look at this email"

Louis sits up correctly and skims over the email.

To - HEStyles_CEO@gmail
From- RebeccaC@gmail

Hello Mr. Harry E. Styles,

This is Rebecca Cleery I am the casting director for the upcoming film Dunkirk.

Louis continues.

It would be great pleasure if you would consider the role of British soldier Alex

Rebecca Cleery

"Is it real?" Louis asks amazed that Harry was emailed about potentially becoming an actor.

"Wait Wait Wait Christopher Nolan didn't he do Batman?" Before Harry can speak Louis is already jumping around.

"You're going to be in a film!"

Harry didn't think anyone could be more excited than him. "Calm down calm down" Harry laughs pulling Louis by his wrists.

"Will you take up the offer?" Louis asks curiously. "What do you think I should do?"

"I mean I would take it if I were you. This is once in a lifetime" Louis shrugs.

And of course Harry took the offer but the two underestimated how much time Harry would be away from him.

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