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Chapter 74

I had fallen asleep in the bathroom that night. Around three am I had woken up on the shower bench with a real pain in the ass.

Harry was fast asleep, the room a war torn mess. I step over the mess and go to the theatre room for the rest of the night.

"What're you two still doing up?" I sniffle, my eyes were puffy from holding my tears in.

Darcy and Oliver were watching Toy Story. "No school and we couldn't sleep" Darcy shrugs.

I grab a blanket from the wooden basket before sitting on one of the plush reclining chairs.

"We heard you and dad fighting." Oliver speaks up. I cringe "how much did you hear?"

"Well all of it. Will you and dad get a divorce or something?" He asks.

"No we won't get a divorce. All couples argue we've just been really upset with one another but we haven't had the time to talk about it." I say honestly.

"We hadn't known that dad cheated on you" Darcy fills the silence. "Yeah it was a long time ago back when we first started dating" I wave it off.

"How did you find out?" Oliver asks curious to know. "Um Oliver don't ask that" Darcy asks not sure if I would grow offended.

"I'm not sure if I want to tell you exactly. Your dad isn't a bad person by all means he's a wonderful person but sometimes we don't listen to our conscience"

"Did you think about leaving?"

I nod, "Yeah I actually left and went to my mums. But you were nine at the time and I remember thinking about what you guys would say when you found out I was gone and how I just up and left you both and Harry so I forgave him"

"I mean at the time, Darcy you probably wouldn't have cared" I chuckle. "I know I was prissy" she groans. "But I'm glad you stayed with dad I'm not sure if he would've found love again."

"And you're funnier than our real mum" "and nicer."

"And you can cook" Darcy adds. "Alright let's not compare me to your mum"

Oliver pushes play on the remote and the three of us fall asleep before the end credits start rolling.

I was awoken again by crying coming from the nursery across the hall. Darcy and Oliver were still asleep Oliver shuffling around from the noise.

I huff standing to my feet still slightly tired seeing as I've only gotten roughly five hours of sleep.

Noah is the culprit. "Good morning what's the fuss?" I mutter with a yawn. I undress him and change his nappy.

I make a fresh bottle shaking it before sitting in the recliner. "Noah you and your brother are nearly one month old. It's been a pretty boring one month hasn't it" I talk as if he understands a word.

"I think you're a little smarter than a one month old" I say humming when he kicks his legs.

After Noah's bottle I lay him on the play-mat and do the same routine for Rowan before starting on the rest of their bottles for the day.

"Look at this Rowan" I coo holding the stuffed bear rattle to which he hiccups with excitement.

The nursery door opens and it's Harry. I continue labeling their bottles with the date, before sticking them in the fridge.

"You're up" He makes small talk to which I nod. Of course I'm up the twins we're crying

I exit the room going to Arlos She's 10 times better than she was yesterday.

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