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So I got a new phone within the last 7 hours here's another update

Chapter 53 *

Do y'all see Harrys shorts 🤤

The next morning Louis and Harry start with a great breakfast and preparing for their trip at 3.

"Hey darling which do you prefer?" Harry comes down the staircase.

Louis turns, "please don't wear speedos" he laughs.

"But I'd like a proper tan" Harry argues holding a black speedo and a blue Speedo.

"But then your arse will be stark white" Louis shrugs. "True" he points out opting on wearing nothing it's just them anyways.

"What do they speak in Saint Barth's?" Louis asks sitting on the couch.

"Est-ce que tu parles français?"

"Barely." Louis chuckles. "I only know 1-10 and like hello goodbye"

"Oh well you should be fine" Harry reassures.

"Still I would like to know some sayings other than lady marmalade" Louis puts his elbow on the back of the couch.

"Maybe a private lesson?" Louis trails off.

Harry pulls Louis onto his lap, the younger emitting a squeal. "Private lesson?" Harry hums kissing Louis neck.

Before Louis can speak his phone chimes. He groans. "It's probably no body" he says straddling him.

Louis phone chimes again. Louis rolls his eyes reaching behind him.

Lisa - Can you send in the report?
Lisa - The one about the statistics not inventory

Harry kneads Louis arse in his hands.

Louis - Can it wait till a little later?
Lisa - I really need it by 2 we have the inspector coming at 2:30. Sorry for any trouble I know it's your honeymoon.

Louis frowns putting his phone back down.

"Everything okay?"

"I have to send a report in the next hour to Lisa inspection is at 2:30 today" he huffs.

"S'okay we have this whole week plus more to shag all we want" he says and Louis places his hands on either cheek before kissing him and standing.

Louis makes his way to their office. Harry waits for a while and then decides to finish packing their bags.

Louis always waits till the last minute to pack whereas Harry packs early.

But this gives him time to double check that he's got everything.

After Harrys finished he sits in bed noticing the notepad and pen on his bedside table.

Je m'appelle Louis comment cava - My name is Louis how are you?

Harry puts the suitcases in the back of the Range Rover. Louis still inside.

"Jet leaves in thirty minutes love" Harry says pushing the house intercom.

Louis comes down the stairs. "Sorry couldn't find my shoes." He goes out of the garage door Harry closing and locking it.

Louis pushes the unlock button on their front gate as they pull down the road. The radio filling the peaceful silence.

Tell me somethin', girl Are you happy in this modern world? Or do you need more? Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?

"I'm falling. In all the good times I find myself Longin' for change...." Harry hums his fingers tapping the steering wheel.

"Tell me something, boy. Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?" Louis hums along.

"You know this song?" Harry asks unaware Louis knew it. "Why're you surprised. It's Gaga" he chuckles.

The two continue humming to the song. "I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in. I'll never meet the ground!" Harry sings rather loudly before laughing at himself. (Think about him screaming during 1D carpool karaoke)

"You should've been a singer" Louis nods. "I was in a band ages ago in secondary school."

Louis was intrigued. "You never told me."

"I wasn't vocals just bass player" he shrugs. "What happened?"

Harry glances at him. "High school hormones everyone became rabbits" he sighs. Louis feels a bit sorry his husbands 6th grade band didn't take the world by storm.

"Did you think about solo?" Louis ponders.

"Yeah but then I started to love business and my Dad said I needed to be realistic" he shrugs.

Louis didn't know what to say. Harrys phone rings. "In the carry on pouch" he says and Louis wedges between the front seats.

It was Anne on FaceTime.

"Hi loves!" Her voice rings through.

"Turn it around mum we can't see you" Harry chuckles putting the phone on the dash holder.

"Huh?" She mutters and Oliver saves the day.

"Hi mum hi dad. Or should I say Mr. Styles. Mum do we call you Mrs or Mr?"

"Oliver let me see" Darcy face comes into view. "Hi you two how's the honeymoon?" She asks.

"Have you did what needed to be done?" Oliver asks from behind his sister. "Olly watch your mouth" Anne says hitting him in the head with a newspaper.

The parents laugh. "You shouldn't want to know that Oliver." Harry grimaces. "I only know cause Rudy. He says his parents do it all the time."

Darcy stands from the couch moving to another spot in Anne's mansion.

"Why is he my twin? Why couldn't Arlo be my twin" She asks. "Speaking of Arlo" she says propping the phone up.

"Look what happened" she pulls her sister onto her lap. "Boo boo" Arlo pouts pointing to A large hello kitty bandaid on her knee.

And of course Harry goes into full daddy mode. "What happen love? Where was she Darcy?" He glances back and forth to the road.

"She was in her electric car when she got out she fell and scrapped her knee."

"But no cry" Arlo shrugs, Louis pouts why do babies grow so fast?

"You didn't cry? You're becoming a big girl on us"

The family continue on FaceTime until the newlyweds park at the flight club. "We'll leave you alone. Have fun." Darcy says.

"By mummy and daddy" "Bye bye" Oliver says ending the call.

Harry smiles picking up his phone. "Oh no don't you dare" Harry points a finger at Louis.

Louis gives in, "I'm sorry I can't help but miss them"

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