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More domestic fluff
Chapter 61

"One two tree....uh" Arlo says peeking at Louis. "Four"

"Oh yeah four um five ready or not" she shifts her weight before uncovering her eyes.

Louis has hid in the laundry room his daughter found him stating something along the lines of "his belly is too big"

Making him the seeker aide. Harry was hidden in the theatre room behind the wall which held the projector.

Arlo ascends up the stairs (on all fours) with Louis watching closely to make sure she doesn't fall

"Gotcha" he hears her say when she opens their closet door. "Nope" she mumbles.

"I see you" she giggles.

Louis watches his daughter crawl down the hallways through the railing posts. Before long she gives up.

"Hint please" she huffs. "A big room with a big tv"

She frowns. "You can buy popcorn here"

She gasps before returning up the stairs. "I found you" she giggles spotting Harrys crouched body.

"I'm too old to be crouched back here." He jokes. "Help me" he holds his hand out once Arlo grabs it he stands putting her over his shoulder.

"Your mum helped you" he argues. "Nuh huh" she shakes her head.

"Yes huh" Harry descends down the stairs. "nuh huh".

Harry sits on the couch Arlo in his lap. "Did Arlo ask for a hint I think she asked for one"

"That's confidential information" Louis replies.


"Mum Molly's family invited me to the beach this weekend coming up I was wondering if I could go" Darcy leans against the counter.

"Have you asked Cara and your dad yet? I don't think I have much control over that" Louis shrugs. "I'd let you go but ask you dad to make sure"

Darcy has tried calling Cara but she hadn't answered. "Dad" She says opening the office door.

"Yes my lovely first born" he proclaims. "Okay please don't do that" she says feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Um Molly is going to the beach this weekend and I wanted to know if I could go" she shifts on her feet.

"Hmm that depends" he sits back in his chair. "Is this a family vacation?"

"Yes her parents and her little brother are going" "Has Cara said yes? Louis maybe?"

"Louis said he'd let me but to ask you mum didn't answer soooo?"

"I'll let you go...on one circumstance." He holds a finger up. "You have to text me everyday when you go somewhere when you arrive at the hotel when you leave the hotel everything"

"Alright I can do that" she nods turning around to leave. "What's up with the non appreciation?" Harry chuckled.

"Thank you thank you thank you I'll bring you a souvenir when we go."

"So you'll spend my money on a gift for myself?" "Uh pretty much" she shrugs with a laugh.

Darcy leaves and Harry texts Molly's mother who lives five minutes from them. She responds that the trip is legit and they'd be leaving Friday at 3.

Harry finishes up his report bringing it downstairs for his husbands second opinion.


Louis couldn't sleep so here he was in the living room doing yoga. Sure it was midnight but he'd called his doctor after lunch to ask about his back pain he said yoga was the best remedy at this point in the pregnancy.

Luckily he had to go to the pharmacy for prenatal vitamins so he stopped and got a yoga mat and dowloaded some prenatal yoga app.

Harry wakes up notices the cold spot beside him. Two pillows and a cold sheet.

He checks the clock and goes downstairs.

"Can't sleep?" Harry startles Louis. "Fucking hell you almost gave me a heart attack" Louis says.

"Sorry" Harry apologizes with a quiet chuckle. "No I can't" he sighs turning onto his stomach, downward dog.

"Don't stand behind me like that" Louis laughs looking in the mirror on the wall. "That's how I got pregnant in the first place."

"T'was a dream" Harry jokes sitting on the couch. Louis sighs managing to stand to his feet.

"Have you thought about the reveal party?" Harry asks rubbing his thumb across Louis knee.

"I've been thinking about lots actually" he says tiredly. "feels like I have chickens in my head"

"I've noticed you've started to sleep talk"Harry  says making Louis brows furrow. "Really What do I say?"

"Oh the usual, my husband is so handsome, he's a great business man, great father. We have long conversations sometimes" he shrugs making Louis nudge him.

"Of course its narcissistic talk"

"S'true honestly" he surrenders. "But I don't want you stressing. That's what I'm here for" Harry pecks Louis temple.

"I know still taking the whole twin thing. Little worried"

"About what?" Harry stands from the couch grabbing a blanket from the basket.

"I was in labor for 12 hours with Arlo even though I had a c section. And now with two babies I just want them healthy."

"The Nurse said you were healthy and the babies too. Just keep doing what you're doing....I'll be your yoga partner"

Louis chuckles to himself. "I'll buy a fake bump for you so you can really experience it"

"Lets play 21 questions" Louis shrugs. "What's something you can't stand? Like a pet peeve?"

"I hate when someone spits" he says and Louis with an already perverted mind furrows his brows.

"No like when you see someone spit on the street. Or spit in a bin"

"Note to self, no spitting" Louis pretends to write on his palm making Harry chuckle before speaking.

"What's your biggest fear?" Harry asks. Louis knows his biggest fear. "Well it's quite elaborate"

"My biggest fear is we leave on a romantic getaway. We're about to have sex, stay with me" Louis says to Harry who rolls his eyes.

"You handcuff me to the bed and you end up having a heart attack and I'm stuck handcuffed to the bed" Louis concludes.

Harrys groans. "First of all that's a movie, it won't happen" he says remembering the film they'd watched last week.

"Still it could. I've been spooked ever since" Louis argues. "Note to self, no handcuffs"

The two continue the game until Louis turn. They both grow quiet the only sounds being from the laundry room.

"How do you feel about a vasectomy?"



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