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Chapter 48*
An- This chapter is filled with attitudes and anger. Everyone has a moment in this chapter.
And I'm wondering should I continue posting chapters weekly or go ahead and post every day to get this book over? lmk

"Can I have a peppermint" Oliver sings for the one hundredth time. "Olly I swear if you sing that one more time" Darcy says swinging her clutch at him.

"Sorry it's stuck in my head" he admits and Louis shushes the two as he ties Arlos Adidas shoes.

Harry comes down the staircase the top half of his shirt unbuttoned. "Can you all get in the lift we're already running late" he says checking his watch.

Louis puts Arlo on his hip and goes out the front door with the children. Oliver hums the same song Darcy said not too.

Darcy steps on his foot. "Cut it" she grits Louis not sure what's the matter with her but being 11 that could be anything.

"Ow don't be so aggro" he elbows her. Harry grabs Darcy by her arm putting her on one side of the elevator.

She huffs and crosses her arms. She knows her attitude won't last long cause as soon as they get home Harrys going to start up about it.

Arlo nuzzles her cheek into Louis neck once they step out of the hotel. "Are you still sleepy?" Louis hums Arlo nods her head.

Luckily Louis bought six of the same car seat to eliminate the hassle of carrying one to another car in the event they needed to drive something specific.

Today was the Tesla Harry must've not wanted to drive as much seeing as there's hands free driving.

Louis buckles Arlo into her car seat reaching in the book bag/ diaper bag to grab a blanket.

"Get on the other side" Oliver says to Darcy who comes to his side of the car. "I always sit on this side" she says.

Oliver groans loudly and angrily. "whyre you being such a bint " (derogatory term for a female) he slams the car door shut.

"Oliver Seriously don't call your sister that. Darcy get in the damn car" Harry says unbuckling his seat belt reaching for the door handle.

Darcy gets in slamming her door as well. Arlo huffs and Louis rubs her hand from the front seat.

"Swear jar" one of the twins mumble. "Both of you if you don't cut it out now you can stay home"

Oliver crosses his arms and looks out the window. "I don't even want to go" He says.

"Me either" Darcy leans against her window. Arlo looks at her two siblings and copies their crossed arms.

One thing Louis didn't want was Arlo to establish an attitude now.

"Then you two go back upstairs then" Harry says pushing the backseat doors open with a button.

Louis scoffs and pushes the button back closed. "Just go to the damn place Harry why're you picking a fight?"

The car is silent the rest of the ride. Except Arlo lulling to sleep watching Peppa Pig.


"Glad you could make it" Cara says a glass of wine in one hand as she looks at her diamond watch.

She stands from the table kissing the twins and quickly hugging harry. Louis held Arlo in his arms and forced a smile.

"This is my boyfriend Giovanni" (idk what I said was his name before)

He must've hardly known English he only spoke in few words.

The five sit down Arlo beside Louis in a boost seat.

"Meet?" Giovanni says wondering how the two met.

"This is the one I told you was...." Cara held her hand up so only Giovanni could hear. "I'm sorry I didn't quite here you" Louis says and Harry clears his throat sending him a glance.

"Alright What can I get for you?" The waitress asks approaching the table. The six order and the waitress speaks up.

"You're daughter is so cute" she says towards Cara. "Oh that ones not mine" She swirls her alcohol in the wine glass.

"That one? Don't call my daughter that." Louis says and the waitress excuses herself. Harry reads his reminders on his watch.

"Sorry" she mutters focusing her attention on Giovanni.

Another waiter fills the glasses. Louis makes himself busy with the kids seeing as Harry was too busy with his watch.

"Are you alright now?" Louis asks gently. They both sigh the two were slouched in the chairs. Arlo content with a coloring book.

"Just want to go home to your house not moms" Darcy mumbles making sure her mother across the table didn't hear.

"You know the situation with your dad. It'll be two more weeks till he goes to court." Louis states. "But on the brighter side you have two more days at our place"

The food comes out moments later Louis cutting up Arlos meal and keeping an eye on her.

"Can you hold this for a sec?" Louis asks Harry to hold Arlos diaper bag. He was in the middle of a conversation with Cara about business endeavors.

Harry internally sighs and takes the bag hooking it on the back of Louis chair where it was previously. If Louis wanted it there he would've put it there himself.


"Wow calling it off already?" Cara chuckles Giovanni does the same not knowing what's the joke.

Louis hands grip the wine glass he was drinking from. "What do you mean?"

"Well you two have been quiet all evening" she shrugs. "doesn't seem like you two are having a good day today or something"

"We're fine. Couples have their days" Harry says tapping his fingers against his lap.

"I'm sure you and Giovanni have your days" Louis adds. "Yeah but we're not soon to be married"

"Well I'm sure when you were with Harry you had your days how about that?" Louis forces a smile.

"Yeah we did have our days but that was before we were engaged" Louis blood was boiling.

Caras stupid face and her stupid hair and her stupid crows feet and her stupid alcohol addiction and her stupid existence.

Louis takes another sip from his glass. "Probably why you're not now huh?"

Cara scoffs and laughs quietly. "No that's not it"

The wine glass Louis had in his hand shattered. The water that filled it turned a light pink from the blood on his hand.

"Oopsie" Arlo says breaking the silence.

Both Harry and Louis slide their chairs back. "No stay and watch Arlo or should I say "that one" " he says sarcastically before going to the bathroom.

Louis hand wasn't medical. He rinsed it off and patted the small cuts with a paper towel. He'd wrap it once he got home.


Louis hand was wrapped he sat on the couch with a bag of ice in his hand.

Darcy Oliver and Arlo were on the couch with him watching a movie.

The four hadn't wanted to go to the dinner anyways and we're just happy to be home or together alone at least.

"Ouchie?" Arlo asks pointing to the bag of ice in Louis hand.

"Yeah I had an ouchie." Louis says. Arlo kisses his cheek. That's what'd Louis would do when she'd get hurt.

Louis chuckles "Thank you I feel so much better"

"Mum How did you do that anyways? It was like something out of a movie" Oliver says flopping on the couch. "Adrenaline I guess"

"Was it cause our real mum?" Darcy asks. "No comment" Louis shrugs.

Once it was time for bed Louis of course sent them. He made sure Darcy and Oliver had done their nightly routines and tucked Arlo to bed.

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