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Chapter 28 *

"Oliver are you serious?" Harry says when he wakes up to a mop of curls instead of Louis tousled locks.

"We could've been naked" he sighs sitting up. "I told you" Darcy sits up from beside Louis. "Mum invited us" Oliver says quickly.

"I did not" Louis says squeezing Oliver's cheeks which makes him jerk into a fit of laughter. "Did too" Darcy pipes in and Louis tickles her sides.

"I'm going back to sleep" Harry says pulling the covers over him. "Your dad's being a grouch" Louis mumbles.

"Mr.grouch" Oliver whispers in Harry's ear to which Harry picks Oliver up in one swoop. "Say your sorry" he threatens his arms held him tightly upside down.

"Never" Oliver laughs. "Darcy!" He exclaims. "I can't hear you" Darcy says plugging her ears. "Fine I'm sorry" he giggles.

Harry puts him back onto the bed his face beet red. "I'm starving" Darcy groans dramatically.

Harry holds his hand out over Louis leg. "Hi starving I'm dad"

Louis stifles a laugh "that was the worst joke you've said yet".

"I've got tons more do you want to hear them?" Harry clears his throat.

"No" the three say simultaneously. "Good here's the first one"


"Excuse me do you mind watching my kids? While I use the restroom"
A woman asks Louis and Harry.

Harry furrows his brows "Uh sure" he says startled by the sudden interaction. The woman parks the stroller next to Louis the little girl looked around seven.

"What's your name?" Harry asks the little girl. "Isabella" She says quietly. "That's a pretty name" Harry compliments.

Darcy and Oliver return to the bar where Louis and Harry sat. "Dad we need more tokens" Oliver pants.

"Isabella how old are you?" Harry asks reaching into his wallet. "Seven"

"Perfect this is Darcy and Oliver do you want to play with them?" He asks and she nods. "Share and spend it wisely" Harry says giving Darcy 3 $10s.

Louis was too occupied with the smaller child. "Hi" Louis wasn't sure if he should unclip him from the carrier but he did anyways.

"He's so cute" Louis says with a small pout. "I want one" He jokes the baby's bag reads Logan.

"His names Logan" Louis says to Harry as if he didn't read the name on the bag. "I saw" Harry chuckles. Harry checks on Isabella and his children which were fine.

"Hi Logan" Louis whispers and Harry laughs and shakes his head from fondness. Logan leans against Louis which makes him aw.

"Look how precious" Louis says his hand around Harrys forearm. "This is our thing"

"Louis you just met him" he says with a breathy laugh. Louis spots his mother returning. "No" he whispers. "Well you can't kidnap him" Harry reminds him.

"Thank you so much" she says taking Logan back and putting him in his carrier. "Isabella is in the play area with my children." Harry points.

"Oh those two are yours" she says directed towards Louis. "Not biologically but yes

"Well they are gorgeous might I say...once again thank you"


"I have sand everywhere" Harry says aloud to himself shaking his sandals. "I have it in my bum crack!" Oliver says racing past us with his hands on his bum.

Louis giggles to himself. "You are a bum crack" Darcy says racing after him.

"You're a bum hole" Harry heard and furrows his brows.

"God I hope they fall asleep on the way back" he says and of course they do.

Louis kisses Darcy's forehead and Harry does the same they had just successfully got them to fall asleep after hours at the amusement park and the beach.

Once back in the bedroom Harry starts the shower.

"Give me a baby" Louis says entering their bedroom and closing the door. "Louis Seriously" Harry chuckles.

"I've got crazy baby fever and I don't know why...maybe it's a sign" he says pulling Harry towards the bed.

Harry resists, holding Louis wrists he says "nooo it's not you saw one baby and fell in love"

Louis corrects him "it was actually three not just Logan when we were at the beach this little toddler stumbled onto my beach towel when you went to the gift shop."

"Then I saw this other kid and she waved at me and said she liked my sandals and I even bought her a pair from the boardwalk shop" he says running his hands through his hair.

"My case in point you got attached to three children and immediately wanted one of your own"

"Exactly so give me one" Louis says once more. "You're not ready for a child Louis. Tonight we can talk about our baby plans but I know for certain you're not ready"

Louis grumbles "besides you're in school now and imagine going to lectures while pregnant"

Louis tries to compromise "I only have 1 lecture a month" he shrugs.

"You say you want a child but when he or she comes out you'll wish you would've waited a little bit longer. The crying the feeding the bottles the diapers" he lists.

"Yeah but when they get older they grow independent" Louis says and Harry scoffs "you saw just this morning both Darcy and Oliver where in our bed"

Louis picks his nails "but it was cute"

Harry pulls Louis back to standing. "It is cute and children are cute I will give you a child when you're ready."

Louis leans his forehead against Harrys chest. "After we shower we can talk about it all you want. I think closure is the key."


"I want two" Louis starts. "Or however many I'm able to have." He hums.

"Well twins run in my family and you have two sets of twin siblings" Harry adds.

"I say when we do try if we don't have twins then we try once more. But if we do we stop with twins." Louis suggests.

Harry raises an eyebrow "wow two sets of twins"

Louis rolls onto his back. "I know your sperm does some crazy things including break me out"

Harry rolls his eyes "besides the cuddly fun stuff you do with kids why else do you want them."

Louis sighs happily "Well I want children of my own. I have Darcy and Oliver but they didn't come from my stomach"

"Womb" Harry corrects. "Womb Whatever" Louis laughs. "I mean technically they come from your sack"

Harry coughs "and we're moving on". "How many do you want I never asked you and you're the one who basically does all the work"

"I've wanted three children but you know the situation" He trails off. "But four is perfectly fine with me. Preferably even two boys and two girls"

Louis scoffs "Well you have to talk to god about that" he says and Harry pretends to pray before kissing his cross necklace.

"Do you have any riveting baby stories to tell me?" Louis asks he's sure Harry has plenty and was dying to tell them.

Of course he was "matter of fact I do"

"So Oliver's balls didn't drop..."

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