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Chapter 14 *

Harry was reviewing applications for the reopening of the restaurant he had to close down. Which explains why he's dressed so casually.

So far no one really grabbed his attention and he was getting bored with the whole thing.

"Name please" Harry shakes the boy's hand. "Sylem Collins" He says confidence was beaming off of him.

Harry was familiar with his accent, he speaks similar to Louis. "where are you from Sylem?"

"North Yorkshire near Doncaster " he nods. That explains it. Harry coughs, "and how old are you?" He drags his pen down the paper with questions.

"18" he nods crossing his legs. "Okay and what are you applying for?"

"Hostess" He says "or host rather" he shrugs. Harry raises a brow but chuckles.

"Sorry I'm a little nervous" he crosses his leg over the other. "It's quite alright" Harry reassures.

"Do you have previous work experience?" Harry asks leaning on his elbow.

"No this is my first" Sylem nods. "Hobbies or anything that'll conflict with your schedule?"

"So I've gotten the job?" Sylem jokes with a raised brow. Harry chuckles "Not quite" he presses the pen end to his lip.

Sylem shrugs "I'm in a audio visual group we rarely meet maybe once or twice"

"Hmm are you like an artist or?" Harry asks interested in the answer.

"Well I wouldn't call myself an artist" he shrugs. "But I do dabble in videography and visual play I plan to study design"

Harry nods once more.

The interview goes on they disregard the interview questions in exchange for more "personal" ones.

"I can't help but ask at those your children?" Sylem points to a picture on Harry's bookshelf. "Yes that's an old picture they're 8 now" he say

"Previous marriage?" Sylem asks and Harry is unsure if he's aware of the impersonal feel if him asking

."Sorry I just noticed you had no wedding band...I apologize"

"Correct" the air is quiet and they both speak up.

"Well I'll.." "That's all..."

"You first" they both say laughing afterwards. "I was just saying I'll be on my way if this is it." Sylem stands from the chair.

"This is all. I'll get back with you" Harry says walking him to the door. "Thank you Mr. styles"

"call me harry"

Sylem gets into the elevator when Harry realizes he hadn't gotten his contact info.

"Stacy, a candidate has gone down to the lobby can you stop him and ask for his contact info and send it up?"

Moments later there is a knock on the door it's Stacy with Sylems contacts

They're written on the back of one of Harry's business cards

Sylem Collins
P- 790-450-2467
E- Sylem-Collins@gmail.com
Have a merry Christmas 🎄

Harry writes it down in his binder among the other contacts.

His phone rings and it's a sick Louis asking him why he wasn't home yet. Harry hangs up and puts his things in his bag and the business card in his jeans.

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