Day 61

108 9 1

Everyone is different and that's ok. We aren't all called to do the same things, that's good. God created us with certain skills and weaknesses for a reason. You aren't going to be good at everything, I'm not a math person at all I also have a hard time opening up to people and I bite off more than I can chew. Just because you aren't good at everything doesn't mean you aren't good at anything. Sometimes it takes forever to find that thing that you love and know you want to spend you're life doing, it can be hard to see what you're being called to do. Take a deep breath, God created you with a plan in mind. There is something you will enjoy doing that you can find a way to do for Him, wether it's a finance manger at a church, a teacher, an artist, a astronaut, or a business owner. Pray for Him to help you find you're calling but also take the time it sit and listen to what He says. If you don't it's like talking to someone and them walking away before the can answer your question. It can be hard to listen for God and I have a hard time hearing Him sometimes. Reading the bible, which is from God to us, also may help you hear His word and where He wants you to go.

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