If you're reading this the same day I'm writing it then it's Christmas. If you aren't that's fine, I think it's important all year long to remember God can into our world as an innocent child to save us from our sins. I've been with family for a couple of days and I'll see more in the next couple of days and I am constantly reminded how blessed I am. I opened presents with my family and before that we read the Christmas story out of Luke and that was when I felt really blessed. Knowing my family would support me growing closer to God and help me when I go through hard times. I know many people don't have that and I'm sorry.
Heaven loved you enough to give up its prince and God loves you enough to give up His son. We give gifts because it's fun and we like to get things in return but God have us His son because He loves us and He didn't expect anything back. His love is perfect, never changing, and unconditional nothing will make Him stop loving you. Where ever you are in your relationship with your family remember God is our Father who loves you. Merry Christmas!
Devotions; Defeating the Destroyer
AcakShort devotions for 200 days to help you grow closer to God. You can't be in a relationship with someone you never talk to and the same is true with God. That is why devotions are so important in your life. Anytime you're on Wattpad you can read a...