Day 70

128 10 1

It's hard to be honest sometimes. Harder for some than others, to some people telling truth comes easily for most people it's a lot easier to lie. When you lie you get yourself into a big mess, you may be trying to spare someone's feelings but when they find out the truth they will be even more hurt. We want to lie when we make mistakes to cover up our mistakes but the lying ends up making the mistakes worse. People find out the truth and your small lies can have big consequences later on. It may not seem like a big deal not telling your parents you started dating someone, or not telling your best friends their outfit looked stupid, however it can end up being much more important than you would think.

Not telling all the truth is the same thing as a lie. I have to remind myself this constantly because I get into the thought process of what they don't know won't hurt them and that's insanely wrong but also hard to stop thinking that way. It does hurt when you don't people about things, it hurts them and it comes back to hurt you. So try to be more honest every day, if you tell one less lie everyday then soon you'll get to the point when you won't tell lies anymore. It's hard to do but the more practice you have at being honest the easier it gets.

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