Day 111

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When I was younger I almost lost my faith over rainbows. I learned in school about the water cycle and reflection of the sun on water droplets creating rainbows, or something like that, and I was really confused because it didn't line up with the Noah's ark story I learned at church. I was torn between the scientific answer and God creating the rainbow. I prayed about how rainbows were created and if God was real or if science was right. I was close to going with the science answer and leaving God until I realized something; God created science. It didn't have to be one or the other God could have created that part of the water cycle after He flooded the world. Since then when I have a question about science and God I remember God created science and you can believe in science and still believe in God. Even when I have a question about Christianity not related to science I remember there is an answer even if I don't know it. It seems silly to me know that rainbows are what made me question my faith so much when there are much bigger questions I could've asked but sometimes it's the little things that make you wonder. Don't put so much weight on your questions let there be room for different answers and sometimes no answer.

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