Day 157

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I want to start of by asking for your prayers. One of my good friend's house just burned down and his dad has been in the hospital and your support would be really appreciated. Prayer is a hard thing for me to explain, one one hand it's so powerful on the other a lot of the time nothing changes. I've always been skeptical of the power of prayer, I think that's because I don't see results of prayer very often and sometimes that makes me doubt if anyone is listening. I also start wondering if God will actually help all the people I pray for, I know He's not going to magic up money or houses for people so sometimes I start thinking what's the point when it comes to prayer. God is listening to you though, prayer helps you build a relationship with Him and He does care English to listen to you. God doesn't answer 90% of the prayers the way we expect Him to, God knows what's best for us and a lot of the time that isn't what we're praying for. God typically answer prayers within natural laws that He creates, not saying that He can't break those laws just that He typically doesn't, He does answer our prayers though and it's important to remember that. Prayer is very important for more reasons than I'm going to say today but it is so much more powerful than most people, including me, see it.

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