Day 71

111 11 1

Actions tell people more about who you are than words do. When someone's being mean, or rude then there's more to that person. Maybe someone they loved just died, maybe their parents are fighting at home, or maybe it's been a really hard day on them. What they say mean to you doesn't say anything about you it shows how messed up things are in their life. I think that's one of main reasons Jesus told us to love our enemies, because those people are having hard times to and insulting them back doesn't help anyone.

Your actions also reveal a lot about you. So when you snap at someone without thinking they start to think that's who you are.  As a Christian you are representing God, when people think of God you come to mind and they remember how kind you were to an old lady and think, "Wow Christianity must be really good if it causes people to do great stuff like that." Or they remember you fighting with your sister and that's what they think of when they think of Christianity. We are supposed to imitate God but many times we fall short, that's ok He knows we aren't perfect and people know other people aren't perfect but you should strive to live your life like Jesus.

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