Day 81

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Don't compare yourself to anyone because it hurts you when you do. Comparing yourself to others only brings you down when you look at everyone who has it better than you and that's who we tend to compare ourselves with. You don't compare the money you have with the millions across the globe dying of starvation but with the people who have the newest phone or more money. Comparing things doesn't end at our possessions, you can't beat yourself up for not being on the same spiritual level as someone else, or not being as talented at something. You don't know the paths people have taken to get places and yes someone may be really close to God but they could've had an amazing experience with Him years before and working on following God ever since. It doesn't make since for you to be upset that that's not the relationship you have with God right now, instead work on getting closer to God and don't worry about how well everyone else is doing. Different people have different strengths and were born into different situations, try not to compare yourself to other and bring that pain on yourself. When you compare you often lose self worth, even though God loves you and made you special, you get jealous, no matter all the good things you have. Comparing yourself doesn't bring you closer to God, instead it pushes you away, so try to remember to stop comparing everyone with yourself.

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