Day 197

77 11 2

Sometimes we need to cry and be upset for a little while and that's ok. It's alright when something bad happens to be upset for a little while. But after you've had some time to cry remember God can make good come out of every situation. Bad times often lead us to something better than we could've imagined so we really should be joyful when we go through troubles. Now that's hard to feel during the hard time but it really will work out good. It's giving you an opportunity to grow closer to God. Troubles strengthen your relationship with Him because you need to rely on Him. God is there for you on good times and especially in the bad times. Even when you feel bad He never leads your side. God will never abandon you no matter how many times you mess up or turn your back on Him, He won't leave you. Sometimes you'll feel alone, abandoned, or worthless, but God created everyone of you and He loves you more than you know. It's understandable to be upset during hard times but remember God is with you and He will make something good happen out of your troubles.

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