Day 128

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We have all lost people we love. Maybe you haven't yet but you will. It's hard when someone you loved and laughed with is suddenly gone. My coach and neighbor for six years died this past summer from cancer. He always told me I could make it onto the varsity team this year and a few months after he died I did. Sometimes it's hard to play because t reminds me of him, I nearly cry whenever I hear one of the songs they played at his funeral. I know many of you have gone through, or are going through, harder deaths than that. You may have lost a friend, a parent, a grandparent, a partner, or someone else you loved and now they aren't there anymore.

The world sees death like the snuffing out of a life or light. Jesus came to tell us we had it all wrong, death is making the brighter for eternity. The people you miss are hanging out with God in Heaven where there is no pain, no suffering, no disease, no tears, they are there right now. Soon you will be there too. Everything we love about this life is because it's a small taste of what Heaven is like

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