Day 165

81 11 4

Don't be afraid to talk about what upsets you. Definitely with God but I always have a harder time talking with other people. God I'll tell everything and He's easy to talk to because I don't see Him or have to worry about any judgement. With other people it's different, even if I trust them I don't like opening myself up and showing them where I'm vulnerable. So I'll shove away my feelings deal with them alone in the dark instead of showing them what's going on. I don't want people to see me as weak but when I hide like that is when I really am weak. There is nothing wrong with being upset or going through hard times and it doesn't make you weak but being able to tell people about it makes you strong. Telling an actual person really does help when you're going through hard times, it makes your load lighter. I can't explain why talking to someone about it helps but it does and it's important when you're going through a hard time. You don't have to tell everyone, your whole church, or your family, but talk to someone about it. If you don't want to talk to anyone in your life about it message me I'll talk with you but don't keep everything inside.

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