Day 108

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The Bible says fear the Lord a lot. It doesn't really mean you should be afraid of God like you would be spiders, more like you should have a little healthy fear of some one like the ruler of your country. God has much more power than whoever is in charge of your country, God created everything and He has unimaginable power. He is Lord of Heaven and He doesn't rule through fear or strong armies, He rules with love, peace, and joy. You should respect Him and know He is very powerful. God isn't someone to mess around with, He is the judge when you die He will decide what happens to you. Respect Him as the king that He is, someone who rules over Heaven. Fearing God is acknowledging how much power He has and what He can do with it. Fearing God is a reminder that God is so much bigger and more powerful than us, we aren't at the top of the food chain God is much bigger and more powerful than we can ever be. When we understand that God is more powerful than us we can really start to learn from Him, because if you don't realize you're missing knowledge you can't search for it.

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