Day 53

128 13 1

It should've been you being made fun of and mocked. It should've been you dead on the cross. It should've been me too, and all of us who have sinned. We all have sinned, we all have screwed up and we all have made mistakes. We all deserved to die except the one who did, the one who never did make mistakes who came to save a broken world because He saw something beautiful there. He took our place on the cross because He saw something in all of us and decided to give us a second chance and a third chance and a million more chances. He didn't let Himself be arrested because it was a cool thing to do or because it was fun. He did it because He loved us and as He walked to His death He took care of His mother, as He was hanging on the cross with insults flung at them He said, "Father forgive them they know not what they do." Then He came back three days later into a world that had killed Him, He brought hope, healing, and light to those He met and then left for Heaven again preparing rooms for us all. When we killed Him He gave us forgiveness and life and when we should've suffered on a cross instead He did and went to prepare His home for us all who want to go to it.

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