Day 98

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Don't beat yourself up over mistakes. There is always going to be something you could've done better. You will let people down and you mess up and hurt people. It's all part of life in this world, we aren't perfect and mistakes are inevitable. Instead of beating yourself up over them learn something so hopefully it won't happen again. Ask for forgiveness from God and maybe from other people depending on the mistake, but know God's opinion is the only one that matters and if you ask for forgiveness and mean it He won't bring it up again. Beating yourself up over a mistake no matter how big it was won't help anyone. It can be hard but you have to find a way to accept and move past your mistakes. That doesn't mean you are happy after you make a mistake, it should upset you a little when you mess up. However it shouldn't consume you or keep you from moving forward. It's good to want to be perfect you should always strive for perfection in whatever you do whether it's your grades, job, sports, and especially in your walk with God. When you mess up though you should use that mistake to push you to try harder the next time and learn lesson you can't get out of being perfect.

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