Be thankful, not just for what you have but for God Himself. The Creator loves you individually and thinks you're perfect, He have you life, then suffered and died so that you could be forgiven and live in with Him in paradise. That's something to be thankful for. No matter how bad you have it someone else has it worse, you're sitting here reading a book about God on Wattpad so you have some form or access to technology. You don't have to be a billionaire to be rich, you don't have to have the nicest car or the best house. Compared to someone who doesn't have anything that minimum rage job and cramped apartment is paradise. So be thankful during all your circumstances as hard as it is. When someone you love is in the hospital or you don't get the grade you want be thankful for that too. When we are thankful even for the things that seem awful then we are more focused on God and more pleasant to be around. Thankfulness reminds us of how amazing God is, He can take any situation and make bring good out of it.
Devotions; Defeating the Destroyer
AcakShort devotions for 200 days to help you grow closer to God. You can't be in a relationship with someone you never talk to and the same is true with God. That is why devotions are so important in your life. Anytime you're on Wattpad you can read a...