Day 105

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You aren't saved by doing good works you are saved by God's grace. When you have your eyes set on God and His path then the good works come naturally. God isn't going to decide who gets into Heaven by who did the most good works, He's going to see who loved Him and who tried to follow Him. He looked down from Heaven and saw us and took pity on us. He came and gave us grace, not because we earned it by doing good things, but because He is kind and merciful. There is nothing you can do to earn His love, kind of like there is nothing an ant can to do to deserve your love. Your good works aren't going to save you only God can save you. Yes it's good to do good works and believing in God isn't complete without works. Your focus shouldn't be on the good works because when you're focused on God and being as close to Him as you can, good actions come naturally.

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