Day 125

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Christianity isn't a religion where a god hits people over the head with a big stick when they don't follow the rules. A lot of people see it that way and they miss the point. Jesus died to forgive us for sinning, He didn't come to earth to condemn us for making mistakes. God makes rules so that help us, He doesn't just look down and dEcide they need something else to do so here's another rule. He also didn't come to Earth to make us afraid of Him, yes we should have a reverence and respect for God because He is our creator and so much more powerful than we are. That doesn't mean we should be afraid of Him the same way we fear spiders. Our relationship with God should be a relationship where we cower in fear of God and follow the rules so we don't get punished. He is our Father, a good father who loves His children enough to die in their place so that they can have mercy. A good father who will always has a loving place for His child no matter how far away they've been or what they've done.

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