Just because you can get hurt in a relationship doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Love is hard work and often you will get hurt and betrayed and feel miserable. That doesn't mean you can close yourself off from loving people forever. When you're riding a bike and fall off that doesn't mean you would never ride a bike again. People will hurt you on accident and on purpose, it will be hard to move on and harder to trust others again. Don't put people in charge of your joy, humans all make mistakes and will hurt you. Give your joy to God and find your happiness in Him so that when when people make you happy awesome but when people hurt you the source of your happiness isn't gone. Know God loves you and He's taking care of you, it may take time to figure out how to find your joy in Him but it will be worth it. Then the trials of this world truly won't make you fall because you weren't standing on the world to begin with.
Devotions; Defeating the Destroyer
DiversosShort devotions for 200 days to help you grow closer to God. You can't be in a relationship with someone you never talk to and the same is true with God. That is why devotions are so important in your life. Anytime you're on Wattpad you can read a...