Day 174

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If your house caught on fire and you could only grab one thing what would you grab? Your family and animals not included, think about it. However you answer shows a lot about what you treasure, I would grab my stuff animal from when I was a baby, I was talking about it earlier with people and most of them said phone. Think about what your answer says about your priorities, grabbing a family photo or a new shirt. There isn't a wrong answer to this question but I think it brings up another question; what should we treasure. Going into the world what should our treasure be. It's not anything material because all of that will fade away. You can't take anything material with you when you die it's all temporary. But you will keep relationships with people, love, and joy with you those things will last forever. Make sure you're treasuring the right thing and that what you're clinging onto will last. When you die think about what's going to matter most to you, it won't be the new clothes or the money you have, so shouldn't what will matter when you die be what you treasure everyday.

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